try(detach("package:SASmarkdown"), silent=TRUE)

SAS does not always exit with an error when it encounters problems, but when it does, you should see the log in your document instead of the code.

First, set up your SAS engine configuration.


A Semantic Error

Semantic errors (typos etc.) cause SAS to return an error status when SAS finishes. This will automatically cause SASmarkdown to switch from the sas engine to the saslog engine.

In this example, trying to use WORK data without any data there, SAS produces an ERROR, and no output is produced.)

```{sas procmeans} `r ''`
proc means data=class;

Which produces: ```{sas procmeans} proc means data=class; run;

## An Execution Error.
Division by zero produces error flags within the DATA step, but does
**not** cause SAS to return an error code when it finishes.  The `sas`
engine gives us the usual output.

To see the DATA step ERROR, switch to the `saslog` engine.

    ```{saslog divzero} `r ''`

    *--- sas code ---;


Producing both the log and the PROC PRINT output.
```{sas divzero}
data class;
    set sashelp.class(obs=5);
    age0 = age/0;
    keep age age0;

proc print data=class;

Replicate in HTML

For a semantic error, which produces no output tables or graphs, the sas and sashtml engines give us the same result. ```{sashtml procmeans, error=TRUE}

For an execution error, using 
the **sashtmllog** engine, we see both the DATA step errors and the
HTML output.
```{sashtmllog procmeans, error=TRUE}

Hemken/SASmarkdown documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 11:26 p.m.