Each code chunk in your dynamic markdown document runs as a separate batch file in Stata. This means that the results of one code chunk do not automatically carry over to the next. You can make the results of a chunk carry over to all subsequent chunks by using the collectcode=TRUE chunk option.

Collected code accumulates, and runs silently before each subsequent chunk.

Setup Stata Engine

(If necessary, manually specify the Stata executable location.)


An Example

In this example we load the data and calculate a new variable in a first code chunk. Then in a later code chunk we also use the data, including the new variable.

First code block:

In the first code chunk, use the collectcode option.

```{stata first-Stata, collectcode=TRUE}`r ''`
sysuse auto, clear
generate gpm = 1/mpg
summarize price gpm

Which looks like this in your document: ```{stata first-Stata, collectcode=TRUE} sysuse auto, clear generate gpm = 1/mpg summarize price gpm

### Second code block:
Then you can use the data and the new variable in a later code chunk.

    ```{stata second-Stata}`r ''`
    regress price gpm

Which looks like this in your document:
```{stata second-Stata}
regress price gpm

Hemken/Statamarkdown documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 3:59 a.m.