Man pages for HenrikBengtsson/R.basic
[R] Class Library - Stand-alone basic functions [DEPRECATED]

000-LB--LB-.ListVectorList-style subseting of object
000-LB-.ListVectorVector-style subseting of object
aboutGets the version information for some or all installed...
allFactorsFactorizes one or several integers into all possible factors
apply2dApply a function of a weighted subregion of a matrix
as.list.ListVectorGets a list representation of the ListVector
as.vector.ListVectorGets a vector representation of the ListVector
baseAndExtensionGets the base and the extension of a filename
DOLLAR.ListVectorList-style subseting of object
drawGridDraws an n-times-k grid
factorialCalculates the n:th factorial
factorToNumericConverts factors to numeric
flip.matrixMatrix flip, mirror, and rotate methods
gcdFinds the greatest common divider of two integers
getTerminalInfoGets information about the terminal in which [R] is running
gridOptimGlobal optimization by partial gridding
head2Gets the head (first lines) of objects/files
image270Display a Color Image
insertInsert values to a vector at certain positions
lexicographicPermutationGenerate the n:th lexicographic permutation of a vector
lexicographicPermutationsGenerate all lexicographic permutations of a vector
lines3dAdding text to a three dimensional plot
lines.loessAdds connected line segments to a plot using a fitted loess
ListVectorVector that can be subsetted as a list
morePrints one or more objects to the standard output
nChooseKComputes 'n choose k'
Non-documented_objectsNon-documented objects
permutationsGenerate all or some permutations of a vector
plot3dPlotting data in three dimensions
plot.histogramPlots a histogram
plotParallelPlots data in parallel coordinates
points3dAdding data points to a three dimensional plot
pointsOnSphereGenerates points on a sphere
polygon3dAdds (planar) polygon to a three dimensional plot
primeFactorsFactorizes one or several integers into prime factors
R.basic-packagePackage R.basic
sizeGets the size of an object
stem3dAdds stems to a 3d plot
tail2Gets the tail (first lines) of objects/files
text3dAdding text to a three dimensional plot
topGets the largest data points
unwhichGets a logical vector/matrix from indices
zscoreGets the Z scores (standardized residuals)
HenrikBengtsson/R.basic documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:51 p.m.