
# @RdocPackage R.batch
# \description{
#   @eval "getDescription(R.batch)"
#   This package should be considered to be in "beta" version.
# }
# \section{Installation}{
#   To install this package, see \url{https://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=428}.
#   Required packages are installed from CRAN.
# }
# \section{To get started}{
#   To get started, see:
#   \enumerate{
#     \item @see "JobBatch".
#     \item \code{\link[=main.JobBatch]{JobBatch$main()}} - to start a job from the command line.
#   }
# } 
# \section{How to cite this package}{
#   To cite this package, please use:
# \preformatted{
# @eval "paste(capture.output(toBibtex(citation(package='R.batch'))), collapse='\n')"
# }
# }
# \author{
#  @eval "packageDescription('R.devices')$Author".
# }
# \section{License}{
#  @eval "packageDescription('R.devices')$License".
# }
HenrikBengtsson/R.batch documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:52 p.m.