devNewRGL: Opens a new RGL graphics device

Description Usage Arguments Value Generated file

View source: R/devNewRGL.R


Opens a new RGL graphics device.


devNewRGL(type="webgl", filename="Rplot.WebGL.html", width=NULL, height=NULL, scale=1,
  aspectRatio=1, ...)



Specifies the type of RGL graphics device function to be used.


The filename of the Javascript-embedded HTML file saved.

width, height

The width and height in pixels of the RGL figure.


A numeric scalar factor specifying how much the width and the height should be rescaled.


A numeric ratio specifying the aspect ratio of the image. See below.


Additional arguments passed to the device function.


Returns a DevEvalFileProduct. If argument field is given, then the field of the DevEvalProduct is returned instead.

Generated file

If created, the generated file is saved in the directory specfied by argument path with a filename consisting of the name followed by optional comma-separated tags and a filename extension given by argument ext.

By default, the file is only created if the expr is evaluated completely. If it is, for instance, interrupted by the user or due to an error, then any incomplete/blank file that was created will be removed. This behavior can be turned of using argument onIncomplete.

HenrikBengtsson/R.devices.rgl documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:53 p.m.