
# @RdocDocumentation "1. The MATLAB server running in MATLAB"
# \description{
#  This section gives addition details on the MATLAB server.
#  At the end, the MatlabServer.m script and the
#  InputStreamByteWrapper.java code is shown.
# }
# \section{Starting the MATLAB server on Windows}{
#  Note that you "cannot prevent MATLAB from creating a window when
#  starting on Windows systems, but you can force the window to be hidden,
#  by using " the option -minimize.
#  See \url{https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/102082}
#  for more information.
# }
# \section{MatlabServer.m script}{
#  \preformatted{
#   @include "../inst/externals/MatlabServer.m"
#  }
# }
# \section{InputStreamByteWrapper.(class|java) script}{
#  The Java class InputStreamByteWrapper is needed in order for MATLAB to
#  \emph{receive} \emph{data} via a data stream. \R sends data via a data
#  stream if, and only if, the connection was setup for "remote"
#  communication, that is, with argument \code{remote = TRUE}).
#  \preformatted{
#   @include "../java/InputStreamByteWrapper.java"
#  }
# }
HenrikBengtsson/R.matlab documentation built on Aug. 28, 2022, 3:21 p.m.