
# @RdocPackage cnagIO
# \description{
#   @eval "packageDescription('cnagIO')$Description" 
#   This package should be considered to be in an alpha or beta phase.
# }
# \section{Installation and updates}{
#   To install this package, see instructions at 
#   \url{http://www.braju.com/R/}.
# } 
# \author{
#   Henrik Bengtsson.
# }
# \section{To get started}{
#   To get started, see:
#   \enumerate{
#     \item \code{\link{readCfhUnits}}() - reads a CNAG CFH file.
#     \item \code{\link{readCfnUnits}}() - reads a CNAG CFN file.
#   }
# }
# \section{License}{
#   The releases of this package is licensed under 
#   LGPL version 2.1 or newer.
# }
# \references{
#  [1] The CNAG software, \url{www.genome.umin.jp/}, Oct 2008.
# }
HenrikBengtsson/cnagIO documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:51 a.m.