Man pages for HenrikBengtsson/future
Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone

backtraceBack trace the expressions evaluated when an error was caught
clusterCreate a cluster future whose value will be resolved...
clusterExportStickyExport globals to the sticky-globals environment of the...
ClusterFuture-classA cluster future is a future whose value will be resolved...
ConstantFuture-classA future with a constant value
find_referencesGet the first or all references of an R object
futureCreate a future
Future-classA future represents a value that will be available at some...
FutureConditionA condition (message, warning, or error) that occurred while...
FutureGlobalsA representation of a set of globals used with futures
futureOfGet the future of a future variable
future.optionsOptions used for futures
FutureResultResults from resolving a future
futuresGet all futures in a container
futureSessionInfoGet future-specific session information and validate current...
getExpressionInject code for the next type of future to use for nested...
getGlobalsAndPackagesRetrieves global variables of an expression and their...
grapes-conditions-grapesControl whether standard output should be captured or not
grapes-globals-grapesSpecify globals and packages for a future assignment
grapes-label-grapesSpecify label for a future assignment
grapes-lazy-grapesControl lazy / eager evaluation for a future assignment
grapes-plan-grapesUse a specific plan for a future assignment
grapes-seed-grapesSet random seed for future assignment
grapes-stdout-grapesControl whether standard output should be captured or not
grapes-tweak-grapesTemporarily tweaks the arguments of the current strategy
mandelbrotMandelbrot convergence counts
multicoreCreate a multicore future whose value will be resolved...
MulticoreFuture-classA multicore future is a future whose value will be resolved...
MultiprocessFuture-classA multiprocess future is a future whose value will be...
multisessionCreate a multisession future whose value will be resolved...
nbrOfWorkersGet the number of workers available
nullconCreates a connection to the system null device
planPlan how to resolve a future
private_lengthGets the length of an object without dispatching
readImmediateConditionsWrites and Reads 'immediateCondition' RDS Files
re-exportsFunctions Moved to 'parallelly'
requestCoreRequest a core for multicore processing
resetWorkersFree up active background workers
resolveResolve one or more futures synchronously
resolvedCheck whether a future is resolved or not
resultGet the results of a resolved future
runRun a future
save_rdsRobustly Saves an Object to RDS File Atomically
sequentialCreate a sequential future whose value will be in the current...
sessionDetailsOutputs details on the current R session
signalConditionsSignals Captured Conditions
sticky_globalsPlace a sticky-globals environment immediately after the...
tweakTweak a future function by adjusting its default arguments
UniprocessFuture-classAn uniprocess future is a future whose value will be resolved...
usedCoresGet number of cores currently used
valueThe value of a future or the values of all elements in a...
HenrikBengtsson/future documentation built on Jan. 3, 2025, 11:28 p.m.