CRAN submission matrixStats 1.3.0

on 2024-04-10

This submission fixes two PROTECT/UNPROTECT issues detected by the 'rchk' tool.

I've verified this submission has no negative impact on any of the 480 reverse package dependencies available on CRAN (n=264) and Bioconductor (n=216).

Thanks in advance

Notes not sent to CRAN

R CMD check validation

The package has been verified using R CMD check --as-cran on:

| R version | GitHub | R-hub | mac/win-builder | | --------- | ------ | ------ | --------------- | | 3.6.x | L | | | | 4.1.x | L | | | | 4.2.x | L W | . | W | | 4.3.x | L M W | . . | M1 W | | devel | L W | . | W |

Legend: OS: L = Linux, M = macOS, M1 = macOS M1, W = Windows

R-hub checks:

Not run

HenrikBengtsson/matrixStats documentation built on April 12, 2024, 5:32 a.m.