Man pages for Hong-Revo/AzureContainers
Interface to 'Container Instances', 'Docker Registry' and 'Kubernetes' in 'Azure'

aciAzure Container Instance class
aci_utilsUtilities for specifying ACI configuration information
acrAzure Container Registry class
agent_poolUtility function for specifying Kubernetes agent pools
aksAzure Kubernetes Service class
aks_poolsVectorised utility function for specifying Kubernetes agent...
call_dockerCall the docker commandline tool
call_docker_composeCall the docker-compose commandline tool
call_helmCall the Helm commandline tool
call_kubectlCall the Kubernetes commandline tool, kubectl
create_aciCreate Azure Container Instance (ACI)
create_acrCreate Azure Container Registry (ACR)
create_aksCreate Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
delete_aciDelete an Azure Container Instance (ACI)
delete_acrDelete an Azure Container Registry (ACR)
delete_aksDelete an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
docker_registryCreate a new Docker registry object
DockerRegistryDocker registry class
get_aciGet Azure Container Instance (ACI)
get_acrGet Azure Container Registry (ACR)
get_aksGet Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
isUtility functions to test whether an object is of the given...
kubernetes_clusterCreate a new Kubernetes cluster object
KubernetesClusterKubernetes cluster class
list_kubernetes_versionsList available Kubernetes versions
list_vm_sizesList available VM sizes
Hong-Revo/AzureContainers documentation built on July 11, 2021, 4:34 a.m.