artImpute: Artificially miss and impute each data entry individually by...

View source: R/analyze.R

artImputeR Documentation

Artificially miss and impute each data entry individually by ignoring outlying values


Infers the normal-state expression of a marker based on its co-expression network, i.e., the weighted average of the marker's nearest neighbors in the data. The returned imputed data will later be used to elucidate dysregulated (protruding) events.


artImpute(dat, ku = 6, marker.proc.list = NULL, miss.pstat = 0.4,
verbose = FALSE)



an object of log2-normalized protein (or gene) expressions, containing markers in rows and samples in columns.


an integer in [1,num.markers], upper bound on the number of nearest neighbors of a marker.


character array, the row names of the data to be processed/imputed.


the score threshold for ignoring potential outliers during imputation. miss.pstat = 1 ignores values outside of the density box (i.e., 1st-3rd quartiles). The algorithm ignores values lying at least (1/miss.pstat)-1 times IQR away from the box; e.g., use miss.pstat=1 to ignore all values lying outside of the box; use miss.pstat=0.4 to ignore values lying at least 1.5 x IQR away from the box; use miss.pstat=0 to employ all data during imputation.


logical, to show progress of the algorithm.


the imputed data that putatively represents the expressions of the markers in the (matched) normal states.


dat = setNames(*10),5,10),
row.names = paste('marker',1:5,sep='')), paste('sample',1:10,sep=''))
imputed = artImpute(dat, ku = 2)

Huang-lab/oppti documentation built on March 26, 2023, 12:52 p.m.