
context("Haversine distance")

# bankstown to sydney airports approximately 17628m
test_that("Bankstown airport to Sydney airport approximately 17628m", {
  expect_lt(haversine_distance(-33 - 56/60 - 46/3600, 151 + 10/60 + 38/3600, 
                               -33 - 55/60 - 28/3600, 150 + 59/60+18/3600) / 17.628 - 1, 

test_that("Broken Hill airport to Sydney airport approximately 932158", {
  expect_lt(haversine_distance(-33 - 56/60 - 46/3600, 151 + 10/60 + 38/3600, 
                               -32 - 00/60 - 05/3600, 141 + 28/60 + 18/3600) / 932.158 - 1, 
HughParsonage/hutils documentation built on Feb. 12, 2023, 8:26 a.m.