fetch_ats_devices: Download a List of Devices from ATS Website

fetch_ats_devicesR Documentation

Download a List of Devices from ATS Website


Retrieves a list of devices (collars), optionally filtered by status


fetch_ats_devices(filter = "all")



A single character value for filtering the results by status. If an invalid filter value is provided fetch_ats_devices returns a list of all devices with a warning. Valid filter values include:

  • All (Default) - a list of all collars

  • Active - Only active collars

  • Inactive - Only inactive collars

  • Low_batt - Active collars with low battery alerts

  • Mort - Active collars with mortality alerts

  • Birth - Active collars with birth event alerts


A character vector of device ids

See Also

ats_login for logging into an ATS account, fetch_ats_config for downloading collar configurations, fetch_ats_positions for downloading GPS data, fetch_ats_transmissions for downloading transmission data, and fetch_ats_events for downloading alerts


## Not run: 

ats_login("mary", ".")

# get ids for all collars in this account
collar_list <- fetch_ats_devices()

# get ids for collars active collars
collar_list <- fetch_ats_devices("Active")

# get ids for collars inactive collars
collar_list <- fetch_ats_devices("Inactive")

# get ids for collars with low battery
collar_list <- fetch_ats_devices("Low_batt")

# get ids for collars in mortality
collar_list <- fetch_ats_devices("Mort")

# get ids for collars with birth events triggered
collar_list <- fetch_ats_devices("Birth")


## End(Not run)

Huh/collar documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 11:02 p.m.