Man pages for Hutchins-Center/gghutchins
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

add_commasAdd commas to a large number
finalize_plotArrange alignment and save BBC ggplot chart
fontawesome_installImport and register Lato font
fontawesome_testTest for FontAwesome import and registration
geom_bargeom_bar in the Hutchins Center style
geom_colgeom_col in the Hutchins Center style
geom_jittergeom_jitter in the Hutchins Center style
geom_linegeom_line in the Hutchins Center style
geom_pathgeom_path in the Hutchins Center style
geom_pointgeom_point in the Hutchins Center style
geom_stepgeom_step in the Hutchins Center style
geom_textgeom_point in the Hutchins Center style
hutchins_colsFunction to extract hutchins colors as hex codes
hutchins_logoInsert hutchins logo
hutchins_palReturn function to interpolate a hutchins color palette
hutchins_palettesUrban Institute palettes
lato_installImport and register Lato font
lato_testTest for Lato import and registration
pipePipe operator
roboto_installImport and register Roboto font
roboto_testTest for Roboto import and registration
scale_color_hutchinsColor scale constructor for hutchins colors
scale_fill_hutchinsFill scale constructor for hutchins colors
theme_hutchinsHutchins Theme
Hutchins-Center/gghutchins documentation built on July 4, 2021, 11:46 a.m.