Man pages for Hy4m/linkET
Everything is Linkable

adjust_pvalueAdjust p values
as_correlateCoerce a object to correlate
as_md_tblCoerce matrix_data to data frames
axisAxis helper function
axis_childChildren axis guide
calc_relimpRelative importance
color_palColour Palettes
DoughnutGrobDraw doughnut plot
draw_key_markerKey glyphs for marker
element_magic_textTheme element that enables formula
gdistDistance Matrix Computation
geom_annotateAnnotate Layer
geom_corrCorrelation Layer
geom_coupleLink Layer
geom_curve2Curve Layer
geom_diag_labelAdd diagonal label on hyplot
geom_doughnutDoughnut Layer
geom_ggplotDraw ggplot on ggplot
geom_magic_textMagic Method to Draw labels
geom_markSignificant Marks
geom_pairsPairs Later
geom_panel_gridAdd panel grid line on hyplot
geom_shapingShaping Layer
geom_squareSquare Layer
get_orderExtract order
Helper_functionHelper function
hyplotInitialize hyplot
label_formulaLabel formula
latex_expressionConverts a LaTeX String to Expression
latex_richtextConverts a LaTeX String to Richtext
linkET-extensionslinkET package extensions to ggplot2
makeContentDynamic resize the marker
mantel_testMantel test
markerCustom marker for heatmap plot
matrix_dataMatrix data
plot_typeSet Plot Type
qcorrplotInit Correlation Plot This functions can be used to visualize...
qlinkDraw link-curves
qpairsInit pairs plot
rand_correlateMake dataset
random_forestRandom forests
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
regex_selectSubset columns using regular expression Subset columns from a...
register_pairs_plotRegister pairs plot
reorder_byRe-sorting Matrix Data
scale_marker_discreteDiscrete and continuous marker scales
set_styleSet Default Color Pallete
theme_hyhyplot theme
wrap_annotateAdd Margin Annotation
Hy4m/linkET documentation built on June 30, 2023, 7:39 p.m.