The purpose of this package is to create a simple and transparent workflow from ICES data portals to products that support the Advice process. Note that this package is not meant to re-invent the Advice process or circumnavigate proper databases... just to ensure a transparent and reproducible product.


The ICES DATRAS web service is a simple and robust framework to search and retrieve data from the DATRAS databases.

To Do: Change the downloads to smaller chunks

Vignette Info


You can enable figure captions by fig_caption: yes in YAML:

    fig_caption: yes

Then you can use the chunk option fig.cap = "Your figure caption." in knitr.

More Examples

You can write math expressions, e.g. $Y = X\beta + \epsilon$, footnotes^[A footnote here.], and tables, e.g. using knitr::kable().

knitr::kable(head(mtcars, 10))

Also a quote using >:

"He who gives up [code] safety for [code] speed deserves neither." (via)

ICES-dk/rICES documentation built on May 8, 2019, 10:54 a.m.