Man pages for INBO-Natura2000/abvanalysis
Analysis of the Common Breeding Bird Survey

get_field_idRetrieve the id for a field in a table
get_linear_lincombCalculate the matrix for linear combinations of strata
get_nonlinear_lincombCalculate the matrix for linear combinations of strata
moving_trendCreate weight matrix for linear trend over a moving window
prepare_analysisPrepare all datasets and a to do list of models
prepare_analysis_compositePrepare the analysis files for the composite indices
prepare_analysis_datasetCreate the analysis dataset based on the available raw data
prepare_datasetPrepare all datasets
prepare_dataset_locationimport and store location metadata
prepare_dataset_observationRead the observations and save them to git and the results...
prepare_dataset_speciesRead the species groups and save them to git and the results...
retrieve_resultsRetrieve the relevant results
select_relevantSelect the relevant observation of a species
storagestore the 'n2kModel' and retrieve its fingerprints
INBO-Natura2000/abvanalysis documentation built on July 8, 2024, 3:04 p.m.