child_reference_EI: Energy Intake Matrix

View source: R/child_reference_ei.R

child_reference_EIR Documentation

Energy Intake Matrix


Estimates weight given age, sex, fat mass, and fat free mass,


child_reference_EI(age, sex, FM, FFM, days, dt = 1)



(vector) Age of individual (yrs)


(vector) Sex either "female" or "male"


(vector) Fat Mass at Baseline


(vector) Fat Free Mass at Baseline



(numeric) Days to run the model.


(double) Step for RK4


Rodrigo Zepeda-Tello

Dalia Camacho-García-Formentí


Hall, K. D., Butte, N. F., Swinburn, B. A., & Chow, C. C. (2013). Dynamics of childhood growth and obesity: development and validation of a quantitative mathematical model. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 1(2), 97-105.

Haschke, F. (1989). Body Composition During Adolescence. Body Composition Measurements in Infants and Children. Ross Laboratories Columbus, OH, 76–83.

Fomon, Samuel J, Ferdinand Haschke, Ekhard E Ziegler, and Steven E Nelson. 1982. Body Composition of Reference Children from Birth to Age 10 Years. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 35 (5). Am Soc Nutrition: 1169–75.

Ellis, Kenneth J, Roman J Shypailo, Steven A Abrams, and William W Wong. 2000. The Reference Child and Adolescent Models of Body Composition: A Contemporary Comparison. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 904 (1). Wiley Online Library: 374–82.

Deurenberg, Paul, Jan A Weststrate, and Jaap C Seidell. 1991. Body Mass Index as a Measure of Body Fatness: Age-and Sex-Specific Prediction Formulas. British Journal of Nutrition 65 (2). Cambridge University Press: 105–14.

Katan, Martijn B, Janne C De Ruyter, Lothar DJ Kuijper, Carson C Chow, Kevin D Hall, and Margreet R Olthof. 2016. Impact of Masked Replacement of Sugar-Sweetened with Sugar-Free Beverages on Body Weight Increases with Initial Bmi: Secondary Analysis of Data from an 18 Month Double–Blind Trial in Children. PloS One 11 (7). Public Library of Science: e0159771.

See Also

model_plot for plotting the results and model_mean for aggregate data estimation.


#One child
child_reference_EI(6, "male", 2, 4, 10)

#Several children
child_reference_EI(sample(6:12, 10, replace = TRUE), 
                   sample(c("male","female"), 10, replace = TRUE), 
                   sample(2:10, 10, replace = TRUE), 
                   sample(2:10, 10, replace = TRUE),

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