knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)


baseurl <- ""
base <- substr(baseurl,9,25)
usr <- keyringr::get_kc_account(base,type = "internet")
pwd <- keyringr::decrypt_kc_pw(base, type = "internet")


last_seen_interpretations <- function(x, baseurl){
  r <- GET(URLencode(paste0(baseurl,"api/users?fields=lastCheckedInterpretations&filter=name:ilike:",x)))
  last_seen <- fromJSON(content(r,"text"))$users
  # if df is not null retun date
  if (!empty(last_seen)){


last_login <- function(x,baseurl){
  r <- GET(URLencode(paste0(baseurl,"api/users?fields=userCredentials[lastLogin,disabled]&filter=name:ilike:",x)))
  dt <- fromJSON(content(r,"text"))$users$userCredentials

last_login_date <- function(x, baseurl){
  df <- last_login(x, baseurl)

  if (length(df) > 1) {


account_status <- function(x, baseurl){
  df <- last_login(x, baseurl)



user_groups <- function(x, baseurl){
  r <- GET(URLencode(paste0(baseurl,"api/users?fields=userGroups[name]&filter=name:ilike:",x)))
  u_groups <- fromJSON(content(r,"text"))$users$userGroups
  # if u_groups is not nul
  if (!is.null(u_groups)){
    # covert df to a string
    grp <- substring(as.character(u_groups), regexpr("['\"']", as.character(u_groups))+1)  

dashboards <- function(x, baseurl){
  r <- GET(URLencode(paste0(baseurl,"api/dashboards?fields=name&filter=userGroupAccesses.displayName:ilike:",x)))
  dashboard <- fromJSON(content(r,"text"))$dashboards
  # if dashboards is not null
  if (!is.null(dashboard)){
    # convert df to string
    dash <- substring(as.character(dashboard), regexpr("['\"']", as.character(dashboard))+1)

interpretation_count <- function(x, baseurl){
  r <- GET(URLencode(paste0(baseurl,"api/interpretations.json?fields=name&",x)))
  interpretation  <- fromJSON(content(r,"text"))$interpretations

  interpretation <- Filter(length,interpretation)



User Profile

 #mutate(`DHIS2 Account` = cell_spec(`DHIS2 Account`, "latex", color = ifelse(`DHIS2 Account` == "Nill", "red","black"))) %>% 
participants <- readxl::read_xlsx("./datauseasia.xlsx", sheet = "Sheet1")

user_profile <- participants %>% 
  filter(`DHIS2 Account` != "Nill") %>%
  mutate(`User Groups` = sapply(`DHIS2 Account`, function(x) user_groups(x,baseurl)))  %>%
  mutate(`Last Checked Interpretations` = sapply(`DHIS2 Account`, function(x) last_seen_interpretations(x,baseurl))) %>%

user_profile %>%
  select(-`Last Checked Interpretations`) %>%
  kable("latex",booktabs = T, caption = sprintf("User Profile as at %s", Sys.time())) %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("repeat_header","HOLD_position","scale_down"), full_width = T, font_size = 6) %>% 
  column_spec(1, width = "15em") %>%
  column_spec(2, width = "10em") %>%
  column_spec(3, width = "15em") %>%
  column_spec(4, width = "20em")

Login Report

Top Most Active Users by Last Login

# Get login report
participants %>% 
  filter(`DHIS2 Account` != "Nill") %>%
  mutate(`Last Login1` = sapply(`DHIS2 Account`, function(x) last_login_date(x,baseurl))) %>%
  mutate(`Account Disabled` = sapply(`DHIS2 Account`, function(x) account_status(x, baseurl))) %>%
  mutate(`Last Login` = as.Date(`Last Login1`)) %>%
  arrange(desc(`Last Login`)) %>%
  mutate(Rank = c(1:nrow(.))) %>% 
  select(Rank,Name,Country,`Last Login`) %>%  
  filter(!`Last Login`)) %>% # remove nas
  kable("latex", booktabs = T, escape = F, caption = sprintf("Top Most Active Users by Last Login as at %s", Sys.time())) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped","HOLD_position"),full_width = T)

Least Active Users (Never logged in DHIS2)

participants %>% 
  filter(`DHIS2 Account` != "Nill") %>%
  mutate(`Last Login1` = sapply(`DHIS2 Account`, function(x) last_login_date(x,baseurl))) %>%
  mutate(`Account Disabled` = sapply(`DHIS2 Account`, function(x) account_status(x, baseurl))) %>%
  mutate(`Last Login` = as.Date(`Last Login1`)) %>%
  select(Name,Country,`DHIS2 Account`,`Last Login`) %>%
  filter(`Last Login`)) %>%
  arrange(desc(Name)) %>%
  kable("latex", booktabs = T, escape = F, caption = sprintf("Least Active Users (Never logged in DHIS2) as at %s", Sys.time())) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped","HOLD_position"),full_width = T)

Dashboard Report

u_groups <- user_profile$`User Groups` %>%
  paste0(.,collapse = ",") %>%
  str_split(.,",") %>%
  unlist(.) %>%
  str_trim(.,side = "both") %>%
  unique(.) %>% 
  str_replace(.,"HSR - Users for USG FP compliance","HSR - Users (for USG FP compliance)") %>%
  str_replace(.,"HSR - Users for USG FP NONE compliance","HSR - Users (for USG FP NONE compliance)")

tibble(`User Groups` = u_groups) %>%
  mutate(Dashboards = sapply(u_groups,function(x) dashboards(x,baseurl))) %>%
  mutate(Dashboards = ifelse(Dashboards == "character(0)","",Dashboards)) %>%
  arrange(desc(`User Groups`)) %>%
  kable("latex",booktabs = T,longtable = T, linesep = "", caption = sprintf("Dashboards by User Group as at %s", Sys.time())) %>% kable_styling(font_size = 7, latex_options = "repeat_header") %>% column_spec(1, bold = T, width = "15em") %>% column_spec(2, width = "45em")
  #kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped","HOLD_position"), full_width = T, font_size = 7)

Interpretations Report

Top Most Active Users by Date of Last Seen Interpretations

user_profile %>% 
  filter(`Last Checked Interpretations` != "") %>%
  arrange(desc(`Last Checked Interpretations`)) %>%
  mutate(Rank = 1:nrow(.)) %>%
  mutate(`Last Checked Interpretations` = as.Date(`Last Checked Interpretations`)) %>%
  select(Rank,Name,Country,`Last Checked Interpretations`) %>%
  kable("latex", booktabs = T, escape = F, caption = sprintf("Top Most Active Users by Date of Last Seen Interpretations as at %s", Sys.time())) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped","HOLD_position"),full_width = T)

Least Active Users by Date of Last Seen Interpretations

user_profile %>% 
  filter(`Last Checked Interpretations` == "") %>%
  arrange(desc(`Last Checked Interpretations`)) %>%
  select(Name,Country,`Last Checked Interpretations`) %>%
  kable("latex", booktabs = T, escape = F, caption = sprintf("Least Active Users by Date of Last Seen Interpretations as at %s", Sys.time())) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped","HOLD_position"),full_width = T)

Users with At Least 1 Interpretation by Rank

user_profile %>% 
  mutate(`Number of Interpretation` = sapply(`DHIS2 Account`, function(x) interpretation_count(x,baseurl))) %>%
  select(`Number of Interpretation`) %>%
  .$`Number of Interpretation` %>%
  compact(.) %>%
  tibble(name = names(.), count = .[names(.)]) %>% 
  mutate(count = unlist(count)) %>%
  select(-.) %>% 
  arrange(desc(count)) %>% 
  mutate(Rank = 1:nrow(.)) %>%
  select(Rank,name,count) %>%
  kable("latex", booktabs = T, escape = F, caption = sprintf("Users with At Least 1 Interpretation by Rank as at %s", Sys.time())) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped","HOLD_position"),full_width = T)

INyabuto/datauseasia documentation built on Dec. 3, 2019, 4:44 p.m.