To install IOHProfiler locally, you need to install R environment first. Please download the windows version from ( Please install the R-3.5.1-win.exe file (the latest, as of 11 July, 2018): just like installing a normal windows software.

For linux/MacOS users, please download the corresponding version of R.

After installation, you should see a R console icon on your desktop. On windows 10, it is very likely that there is no such an icon on the desktop. But, it can be found in all programs (select the Start button, and then scroll through the alphabetical list on the left). An example is shown in the following screenshot:

Please open the R console now. This is where we will run the post-processing application. Then, some dependences need to be installed. Please run the following commands in the R console (copy and paste the following commands in the R console).


Now, extract the zip of containing the source code to your preferred location, e.g., your desktop. After this step, please just type the following command in the R console:


Please make sure that you replace the path 'path/to/the/code/folder' to the path where the source code is located on your computer. For example, if the source code folder is located on your desktop, this path should look like C:\\Users\(username)\\Desktop\\post-processing. On Linux/MacOS, this path might look like /home/(username)/post-processing .If there is no error in the installation, a webpage should automatically pop-up in your web browser!

IOHprofiler/IOHanalyzer documentation built on June 1, 2024, 8:39 p.m.