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options(cite = FALSE)

Generalized Estimating Equation for Poisson Regression with poisson.gee.

The GEE poisson estimates the same model as the standard poisson regression (appropriate when your dependent variable represents the number of independent events that occur during a fixed period of time). Unlike in poisson regression, GEE poisson allows for dependence within clusters, such as in longitudinal data, although its use is not limited to just panel data. The user must first specify a "working" correlation matrix for the clusters, which models the dependence of each observation with other observations in the same cluster. The "working" correlation matrix is a $T \times T$ matrix of correlations, where $T$ is the size of the largest cluster and the elements of the matrix are correlations between within-cluster observations. The appeal of GEE models is that it gives consistent estimates of the parameters and consistent estimates of the standard errors can be obtained using a robust "sandwich" estimator even if the "working" correlation matrix is incorrectly specified. If the "working" correlation matrix is correctly specified, GEE models will give more efficient estimates of the parameters. GEE models measure population-averaged effects as opposed to cluster-specific effects.


z.out <- zelig(Y ~ X1 + X2, model = "poisson.gee",
               id = "X3", weights = w, data = mydata)
x.out <- setx(z.out)
s.out <- sim(z.out, x = x.out)

where id is a variable which identifies the clusters. The data should be sorted by id and should be ordered within each cluster when appropriate.

Additional Inputs

Use the following arguments to specify the structure of the "working" correlations within clusters:



Example with Exchangeable Dependence

Attaching the sample turnout dataset:


Variable identifying clusters

sanction$cluster <- c(rep(c(1:15), 5), rep(c(16), 3))

Sorting by cluster

sorted.sanction <- sanction[order(sanction$cluster),]

Estimating model and presenting summary:

z.out <- zelig(num ~ target + coop, model = "poisson.gee",
               id = "cluster", data = sorted.sanction)

Set explanatory variables to their default values:

x.out <- setx(z.out)

Simulate quantities of interest

s.out <- sim(z.out, x = x.out)

Generate a plot of quantities of interest:


The Model

Suppose we have a panel dataset, with $Y_{it}$ denoting the dependent variable of the number of independent events for a fixed period of time for unit $i$ at time $t$. $Y_{i}$ is a vector or cluster of correlated data where $y_{it}$ is correlated with $y_{it^\prime}$ for some or all $t, t^\prime$. Note that the model assumes correlations within $i$ but independence across $i$.

$$ \begin{aligned} Y_{i} &\sim& f(y_{i} \mid \lambda_{i})\ Y_{it} &\sim& g(y_{it} \mid \lambda_{it}) \end{aligned} $$

where $f$ and $g$ are unspecified distributions with means $\lambda_{i}$ and $\lambda_{it}$. GEE models make no distributional assumptions and only require three specifications: a mean function, a variance function, and a correlation structure.

$$ \lambda_{it} = \mathrm{exp}(x_{it} \beta) $$

where $x_{it}$ is the vector of $k$ explanatory variables for unit $i$ at time $t$ and $\beta$ is the vector of coefficients.

$$ V_{it} = \lambda_{it} $$

$$ V_{i} = \phi \, A_{i}^{\frac{1}{2}} R_{i}(\alpha) A_{i}^{\frac{1}{2}} $$

where $A_{i}$ is a $T \times T$ diagonal matrix with the variance function $V_{it} = \lambda_{it}$ as the $t$\ th diagonal element, $R_{i}(\alpha)$ is the "working" correlation matrix, and $\phi$ is a scale parameter. The parameters are then estimated via a quasi-likelihood approach.

Quantities of Interest

$$ E(Y) = \lambda_{c} = \mathrm{exp}(x_{c} \beta), $$

given draws of $\beta$ from its sampling distribution, where $x_{c}$ is a vector of values, one for each independent variable, chosen by the user.

$$ \textrm{FD} = \Pr(Y = 1 \mid x_1) - \Pr(Y = 1 \mid x). $$

$$ \frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{t=1}^T tr_{it}}\sum_{i:tr_{it}=1}^n \sum_{t:tr_{it}=1}^T \left{ Y_{it}(tr_{it}=1) - E[Y_{it}(tr_{it}=0)] \right}, $$

where $tr_{it}$ is a binary explanatory variable defining the treatment ($tr_{it}=1$) and control ($tr_{it}=0$) groups. Variation in the simulations are due to uncertainty in simulating $E[Y_{it}(tr_{it}=0)]$, the counterfactual expected value of $Y_{it}$ for observations in the treatment group, under the assumption that everything stays the same except that the treatment indicator is switched to $tr_{it}=0$.

Output Values

The output of each Zelig command contains useful information which you may view. For example, if you run z.out <- zelig(y ~ x, model = poisson.gee, id, data), then you may examine the available information in z.out by using names(z.out), see the coefficients by using z.out$coefficients, and a default summary of information through summary(z.out). Other elements available through the $ operator are listed below.

From the zelig() output object z.out, you may extract:

From summary(z.out), you may extract:

See also

The geeglm function is part of the geepack package by Søren Højsgaard, Ulrich Halekoh and Jun Yan. Advanced users may wish to refer to help(geepack) and help(family).

z5 <- zpoissongee$new()

IQSS/Zelig documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 1:51 a.m.