Man pages for IQSS/Zelig4Choice
Zelig Choice Models

blogitAlias for Binomial Logit Family
bprobitAlias for Binomial Logit Family
coalitionCoalition Dissolution in Parliamentary Democracies
describe.blogitDescribe the Citation of the 'blogit' Model
describe.bprobitDescribe the Citation of the 'bprobit' Model
describe.mlogitProvide Citation Information for the "blogit" Model
sanctionMultilateral Economic Sanctions
summarize.ologitsummarize.ologit summarizes simulations of quantities of...
summarize.oprobitsummarize.ologit summarizes simulations of quantities of...
zelig2blogitInterface between 'blogit' model and Zelig This function is...
zelig2bprobitInterface between 'bprobit' model and Zelig This function is...
zelig2mlogitinterface between the Zelig model mlogit and the pre-existing...
zelig2ologitInterface between 'ologit' model and Zelig
zelig2oprobitInterface between 'oprobit' model and Zelig
ZeligChoice-package.RZelig Regressions for Discrete Choices
IQSS/Zelig4Choice documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:03 a.m.