API for IRSN/DiceView
Methods for Visualization of Computer Experiments Design and Surrogate

Global functions
Apply.function Man page Source code
Memoize.function Man page Source code
Vectorize.function Man page Source code
are_in.mesh Man page Source code
branin Man page Source code
col.levels Source code
combn.design Man page Source code
contourview Man page Source code
contourview,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
contourview,NoiseKriging,NoiseKriging-method Man page
contourview,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
contourview,function,function-method Man page
contourview,glm,glm-method Man page
contourview,km,km-method Man page
contourview,list,list-method Man page
contourview,matrix,matrix-method Man page
contourview.Kriging Man page Source code
contourview.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
contourview.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
contourview.function Man page Source code
contourview.glm Man page Source code
contourview.km Man page Source code
contourview.list Man page Source code
contourview.matrix Man page Source code
contourview_libKriging Source code
fade Source code
is.mesh Man page Source code
is_in.mesh Man page Source code
is_in.p Man page Source code
lines3d Source code
load3d Source code
mesh Man page Source code
mesh_exsets Man page
mesh_level Man page Source code
min_dist Man page
open3d Source code
optims Man page Source code
plot2d_mesh Man page Source code
plot3d Source code
plot3d_mesh Man page Source code
plot_mesh Man page Source code
points3d Source code
points_in.mesh Man page Source code
points_out.mesh Man page Source code
quads3d Source code
root Man page Source code
roots Man page
roots_mesh Man page
sectionview Man page Source code
sectionview,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
sectionview,NoiseKriging,NoiseKriging-method Man page
sectionview,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
sectionview,function,function-method Man page
sectionview,glm,glm-method Man page
sectionview,km,km-method Man page
sectionview,list,list-method Man page
sectionview,matrix,matrix-method Man page
sectionview.Kriging Man page Source code
sectionview.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
sectionview.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
sectionview.function Man page Source code
sectionview.glm Man page Source code
sectionview.km Man page Source code
sectionview.list Man page Source code
sectionview.matrix Man page Source code
sectionview3d Man page Source code
sectionview3d,Kriging,Kriging-method Man page
sectionview3d,NoiseKriging,NoiseKriging-method Man page
sectionview3d,NuggetKriging,NuggetKriging-method Man page
sectionview3d,function,function-method Man page
sectionview3d,glm,glm-method Man page
sectionview3d,km,km-method Man page
sectionview3d,list,list-method Man page
sectionview3d,matrix,matrix-method Man page
sectionview3d.Kriging Man page Source code
sectionview3d.NoiseKriging Man page Source code
sectionview3d.NuggetKriging Man page Source code
sectionview3d.function Man page Source code
sectionview3d.glm Man page Source code
sectionview3d.km Man page Source code
sectionview3d.list Man page Source code
sectionview3d.matrix Man page Source code
sectionview3d_libKriging Source code
sectionview_libKriging Source code
surface3d Source code
translude Source code
triangles3d Source code
tryFormat Source code
IRSN/DiceView documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:32 p.m.