\hypersetup{ colorlinks = true, % Colours links instead of ugly boxes urlcolor = blue, % Colour for external hyperlinks linkcolor = blue, % Colour of internal links citecolor = red % Colour of citations }

  collapse = TRUE,
  echo     = FALSE,
  cache    = FALSE,
  comment  = "#>"


describe_shapefile <- function(shape) {
  describe_column <- function(shape, columnName) {
    column <- shape$dbf$dbf[, columnName]
      name     = columnName,
      class    = class(column)[1],
      nFactors = if (is.factor(column)) { length(unique(column)) } else { NA },
      min      = if (is.factor(column)) { NA } else { min(column)  },
      mean     = if (is.factor(column)) { NA } else { mean(column) },
      max      = if (is.factor(column)) { NA } else { max(column)  },
      example  = trimws(as.character(column[1]))

    lapply(colnames(shape$dbf$dbf), describe_column, shape = shape)

describe_yield <- function(yield) {
  describe_column <- function(yield, columnName) {
    column <- yield[, columnName]
      name     = columnName,
      class    = class(column)[1],
      nFactors = if (is.factor(column)) { length(unique(column)) } else { NA },
      min      = if (is.factor(column)) { NA } else { min(column)  },
      mean     = if (is.factor(column)) { NA } else { mean(column) },
      max      = if (is.factor(column)) { NA } else { max(column)  },
      example  = trimws(as.character(column[1]))

    lapply(colnames(yield), describe_column, yield = yield)

Accessing data

How to access the datasets

The followings are the datasets contained in this R Package:

dYield <- describe_yield(yieldExtra)
units  <- c(
  NA, NA, NA, "Hectare", NA, "Hectare", NA, "% (hundreds)", NA, 
  "% (hundreds)", NA, NA, "Feet", "Integer", NA, 
  NA, NA, "LatLong", "LatLong", "UTM", "UTM", NA, "Feet", "MPH", "Degrees", 
  "Feet", "Seconds", "Pounds per second", "% (hundreds)", 
  "Pounds (dry)", "Pounds (std)", "Pounds (wet)",
  "Kilograms (dry)", "Kilograms (std)", "Kilograms (wet)",
  "Bushels per acre (dry)", "Bushels per acre (std)", "Bushels per acre (wet)",
  "Megagrams per hectare (dry)", "Megagrams per hectare (std)", 
  "Megagrams per hectare (wet)"
extra <- ifelse(colnames(yieldExtra) %in% colnames(yield), "Yes", "No")
colNames <- c(
  "Name", "Class", "# of levels", "Min", "Mean", "Max", "Example"

tab <- cbind(dYield, units = units, "extra only" = extra)
colnames(tab) <- c(colNames, "Measurement unit", "yieldExtra only")

k <- knitr::kable(
  format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
  label = "yieldExtra-description",
  caption = "Structure and content of the yield and yieldExtra datasets.",
  digits = 2, format.args = list(scientific = FALSE)

kableExtra::kable_styling(k, latex_options = c("scale_down"))


The dataset adheres to the terminology used in [2] to describe the experimental design.

Curation protocol


Folder structure

In STRIPSyield v0.2.0, the datasets are stored in the folders: data-raw\source\YYYY-site.ext.

Curation protocol

Because not all the datasets have the same structure and measurement units, we create a curation protocol. We identify two patterns in the data sources, namely Template I (2007-2010 and 2012) and Template II (2013-2019 and 2011). We read the shapefiles from the original folder, apply the modifications mentioned below, and store the new shapefiles in the curated folder. These editing rules may be broadly classified into five actions:

Although keeping both the original and the curated shapefiles result in significant storage redundancy, this procedure guarantees that no original data is lost in the process.

Naming convension

File naming convention:

Column naming convention:

Data structure convention:

Original shapefiles (2007-2010, 2012)

The PROJ4 string defining the CRS of the coordinates recorded in these shapesfiles is "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0". Since the 2007-2010 and 2012 shapefiles are consistent, 2009-basswood original shapefile structure is described in Table \ref{tab:2009-basswood-description}. To homogenenize measurement units, we rescale the columns distance and swath width from inches to foot.

shape2009  <- read.shapefile("../data-raw/yield_original/2009-basswood")
dShape2009 <- describe_shapefile(shape2009)

tab <- dShape2009
colnames(tab) <- colNames
k <- knitr::kable(
  format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
  digits = 2, format.args = list(scientific = FALSE),
  caption = "Structure and content of the Basswood 2015 original shapefile.",
  label = "2009-basswood-description"

kableExtra::kable_styling(k, latex_options = c("scale_down"))

Original shapefiles (2013-2019, 2011)

The PROJ4 string defining the CRS of the coordinates recorded in these shapesfiles is "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0". Since the 2013-2019 and 2011 shapefiles are consistent, the 2015-basswood original shapefile structure is described in Table \ref{tab:2015-basswood-description}.

shape2015  <- read.shapefile("../data-raw/yield_original/2015-basswood")
dShape2015 <- describe_shapefile(shape2015)

tab <- dShape2015
colnames(tab) <- colNames
k <- knitr::kable(
  format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
  digits = 2, format.args = list(scientific = FALSE),
  label = "2015-basswood-description",
  caption = "Structure and content of the Basswood 2015 original shapefile."

kableExtra::kable_styling(k, latex_options = c("scale_down"))

Curated shapefile (all years)

The PROJ4 string defining the CRS of the coordinates recorded in these shapesfiles is "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0" (no projections were needed). As the shapefile structure and content does not vary across the years and sites, the structure described in Table \ref{tab:curated-shapefile-description} is valid for every curated shapefile.

shape2015  <- read.shapefile("../data-raw/yield_curated/2015-basswood")
dShape2015 <- describe_shapefile(shape2015)
units      <- c(
  NA, NA, "Feet", "Integer", "Integer", NA, "WGS84", "WGS84", "Feet above sea", 
  "Miles per hour", "Arc degrees", "Feet", "Seconds", NA, "Pounds per second", 
  "% (hundreds)", "Dry bushels per acre"

tab <- cbind(dShape2015[, 1:2], units)
colnames(tab) <- c("Name", "Class", "Measurement unit")
k <- knitr::kable(
  format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
  digits = 2, format.args = list(scientific = FALSE),
    caption = "Structure a curated shapefile.",
  label = "curated-shapefile-description"


To build our consolidated shapefiles, we decided to keep only those variables recorded for every site and year (i.e. columns that were present in every source file). The only exceptions is direction, available for years 2013-2015 and 2011 only, which we kept as partial information may be relevant for our future research.


[1] Lisa A. Schulte, Jarad B. Niemi, Matthew J. Helmers, Matt Liebman, J. G. Arbuckle, David E. James, Randall K. Kolka, Matthew E. O’Neal, Mark D. Tomer, John C. Tyndall, Heidi Asbjornsen, Pauline Drobney, Jeri Neal, Gary Van Ryswyk, and Chris Witte (2017). “Prairie strips improve biodiversity and the delivery of multiple ecosystem services from corn-soybean croplands” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(42), 11247-11252. (url)

[2] Xiaobo Zhou, Matthew J. Helmers, Heidi J. Asbjornsen, Randy Kolka, and Mark D. Tomer (2010). "Perennial filter strips reduce nitrate levels in soil and shallow groundwater after grassland-to-cropland conversion" Journal of environmental quality, 39(6), 2006-2015.


Data visualization


plot_grid <- function(df, title = NULL) {
  p <- ggplot(df) +
  geom_violin(aes(x = year, y = value), draw_quantiles = c(0.5)) +
    rows = vars(variable),
    cols = vars(site),
    scales = "free"
  ) +
    title = title,
    x     = "Year",
    y     = "Values"
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    axis.text.x        = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)


keys <- c("site", "year", "crop", "record")
cols <- c(
  "swath", "elevation", "speed", "distance",
  "cycle", "flow", "moisture", "yieldDryBuAc"

yieldExtraLong <- melt(
  data = yieldExtra,
  id.vars = keys,
  measure.vars = cols

``r Visualization of some selectedyieldExtra` data frame variables.", warning = FALSE} plot_grid( df = yieldExtraLong[ yieldExtraLong$site != "OffBounds" & yieldExtraLong$crop == "Soybeans", ], title = "Soybeans" )

```r Visualization of some selected `yieldExtra` data frame variables.", warning = FALSE}
  df = yieldExtraLong[
    yieldExtraLong$site != "OffBounds" & 
    yieldExtraLong$crop == "Corn", 
  title = "Maize"




ISU-STRIPS/STRIPSyield documentation built on Jan. 31, 2021, 10:16 a.m.