S2_buy_granule: Buy a granule at 'https://s2.boku.eodc.eu'

View source: R/S2_buy_granule.R

S2_buy_granuleR Documentation

Buy a granule at 'https://s2.boku.eodc.eu'


Buy granule using granuleId


S2_buy_granule(granuleId, mode = c("ask", "always", "force"))



character vector of one or more granuleId's to buy


one of 'ask', 'always' or 'force'. If 'ask', the user is prompted for confirmation before spending coins ( - in interactive sessions only!). If 'always', granules are bought without prompting but granule bought already are skipped. If 'force', granules are bought without prompting and also withoug checking if they are already bought.


boolean logical vector indicating which granules were actually bought (note that if mode = 'force', there will be no FALSE values in the returned vector). If the underlaying HTTP request failed, the value is NA.

IVFL-BOKU/sentinel2 documentation built on May 13, 2022, 11:15 p.m.