TypDB - a collection of typological datasets


Make sure you have devtools package installed. Then, enter the following command in your R console:



TypDB imports a number of typological databases as R data frames. For a list of the available data, see ?TypDB. You can directly use the datasets by referring to them with their names, e.g.


TypDB maintains a language code mapping table (?language_ids). This table contains mappings of common language codes, such as ISO 639-3 and Glottolog codes. A utility function is provided for merging different datasets by common language code. See ? for more information.

Citing the data

All included datasets are property of their respective owners. TypDB merely includes them in a ready-to-use format for user convenience. Please cite the respective source if you are using the data in a publication.


The development of TypDB was funded jointly by the Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zürich (Website) and the URPP Language and Space, University of Zurich (Website).

IVS-UZH/TypDB documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:40 p.m.