


Function | Description :------------------- | :------------------------------------------ choropleth | Draws a choropleth on selected regions classDots | Plots dots on a map with values between different fixed classes dots | Plots dots on a map dotDensity | Draws a dot-density map isopleth | Draws an isopleth on selected regions gadm_showNorth | Displays a north arrow on a plot gadm_showScale | Displays a scale on a plot


Display a north arrow on a plot


plotmap(Corsica) %>% gadm_showNorth("tl")


Display a scale on a plot


plotmap(Corsica) %>% gadm_showNorth("tl") %>% gadm_showScale("bl")


Plotting dots on a map

# Preparing data.frame
# --------------------

Corse <- gadm_union(Corsica, 0)
Cantons <- listNames(Corsica, 4)
L <- length(Cantons)
Pop <- floor(runif(L, min=15200, max=23500))

longitude <- runif(6, min=8.74, max = 9.25)
latitude  <- runif(6, min=41.7, max = 42.6)
Cases <- floor(runif(6, 25, 80))

Type <- rep(c("TYPE A", "TYPE B", "TYPE C"), 6, length.out = 6)
DAT <- data.frame(longitude, latitude, Cases)


# Simple dots
dots(Corsica, DAT, color="red", size = 3)


# Classified dots
dots(Corse, points = DAT, 
     palette = "Reds",


# Typed points
DAT2 <- data.frame(longitude, latitude, Type)
dots(Corse, points = DAT2, 
     color = "#ee00ee",


Plotting proportionals dots

# Test of propDots with default parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         data = DAT, 
         color = "blue")


# Test of propDots with defined breaks
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         data = DAT,
         value="Cases", breaks=c(30, 40, 50, 70, 100),
         color = "blue")


# Test of propDots with forced range of breaks
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
propDots(Corse, data = DAT, value="Cases",
         breaks=c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), 
         range = c(25, 100))


Plotting dots with classified size


classDots(Corse, DAT, color="blue", value = "Cases", steps = 4)




# Creates test data.frame -------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR_1 <- as.integer(runif(n = 43, min = 800, max = 15800))
VAR_2 <- as.integer(runif(n = 43, min = 1000, max = 15800))
VAR_3 <- as.integer(runif(n = 43, min = 1500, max = 15800))
Cantons <- listNames(Corsica, 4)
DF <- data.frame(Cantons, VAR_1, VAR_2, VAR_3, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

                DF, adm.join="Cantons", dot.size = 0.5, cases.by.dots = 1000,
                values = c("VAR_1", "VAR_2", "VAR_3"),
                labels = c("H1N1", "H1N2", "H2N2"),
                palette = c("#ffff00", "#ffaa00", "#FF3200"))


Plotting density


isopleth(Corse, data = DAT, palette = "Blues")


Plotting a choropleth

DAT <- data.frame(Cantons, Pop, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
choropleth(Corsica, data = DAT, value = "Pop", adm.join = "Cantons",
           breaks = "sd", palette = "Greens")




              x, data, value=NULL,

              breaks = NULL, steps = 5,

              adm.join=NULL, legend = NULL,

              labels = NULL,

              palette=NULL, title=""


Parameter | Description
--------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x | Object GADMWrapper data | data.frame - data to plot value | String - the name of the column in the data.frame we want to plot (eg: an incidence in epidemiology studies) breaks | steps | Integer - number of breaks. Default = 5. If breaks is NOT NULL this value is used internally with cut(). adm.join | String - the name in GADM spdf dataset which will be joined with a column of the data. legend | String - legend title. Default NULL. labels | String vector labels for the legend. Default NULL palette | String - An RColorBrewer palette name or a String vector vector of colors. Default NULL. title | String - Title of the plot. Default is an empty string.



MAP <- gadm_sp_loadCountries("BEL", level = 3, simplify=0.01)
DAT = read.csv2("BE_clamydia_incidence.csv")

# Rewriting District names
# ------------------------
DAT$district <- as.character(DAT$district)
DAT[7,1] = "Brussel"
DAT[20,1] <- "Liège"
DAT[22,1] = "Marche-en-Famenne"
DAT[27,1] = "Neufchâteau"
DAT <- rename(DAT, NAME_3 = district)

fast.choropleth(MAP, DAT,
                adm.join = "NAME_3",
                value = "rate03",
                steps = 4,
                breaks = "jenks",
                legend = "Incidence",
                title="Chlamydia incidence by Belgian district (2003)")

drawing a fast.choropleth

IamKDO/GADMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2021, 5:14 a.m.