knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, error = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(progress = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, fig.width = 9, fig.height = 9, fig.align = "center" )
# Note that GhostScript needs to be installed at the system level for the PS files to be generated. # MacOS users can use `brew install ghostscript` # # Windows users can follow these directions: # 1. Go to the GhostScript website ( # 2. Download the windows installer suitable for your machine # 3. Run the installer file which you downloaded and follow the prompts # 4. After running the installer click the windows "Start" button and type "Edit environment variables for your account" and open # 5. In the tab 'Advanced' click the button at the bottom 'Environment Variables...' # 6. Under 'System variables' find the variable 'Path', select 'Path' and click the 'Edit' button # 7. Select a new line and copy the Ghostscript 'bin' folder location into the field. # 7.1 If you installed ghostscript to the default folder location; then the folder location will likely be "C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.52\bin", the version number (9.52) may differ. # 8. Save and exit the environmental variables window # This chunk is then run only if knitting on new computer that the files have not been generated on # this is necessary to embed fonts in .eps files library("extrafont") if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { font_import(pattern = "arial", prompt = FALSE) loadfonts(device = "postscript", quiet = TRUE) } else { font_import(pattern = "Arial", prompt = FALSE) loadfonts(device = "postscript", quiet = TRUE) }
library("readxl") library("cowplot") library("ggplot2") library("ggpubr") library("grDevices") library("dplyr") library("lubridate") library("clifro") library("viridis") library("showtext") library("readr") library("here") library("patchwork") library("classInt") library("extrafont") extrafont::loadfonts()
dat <- read_excel( system.file("extdata", "SpatioTemporalSpreadData_N.xlsx", package = "spatiotemporaldynamics"), sheet = 1 )
cols_1 <- c( "location", "distance", "plot_number", "quadrat", "min_temp", "max_temp", "min_rh", "max_rh", "avg_wind_speed", "avg_rh", "avg_temp", "assessment_number", "total_rain" ) dat[cols_1] <- lapply(dat[cols_1], factor) cols_2 <- c("infected_plants", "total_plants") dat[cols_2] <- lapply(dat[cols_2], as.integer) dat$assessment_date <- as.Date(dat$assessment_date)
sapply(dat, class)
ggplot(dat, aes(infected_plants)) + geom_density() + facet_grid(distance ~ location, labeller = label_both) + theme_pubclean(base_family = "Arial Unicode MS")
ggplot(dat, aes(x = infected_plants)) + geom_density(fill= "steelblue", alpha = 0.7) + geom_rug(alpha = 0.4) + xlab("Infected plants count")
fig_1 <- ggplot(data = dat, mapping = aes(x = assessment_number, y = infected_plants)) + geom_pointrange( stat = "summary", fun.min = min, fun.max = max, fun = median ) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom = "line", aes(group = location)) + facet_grid(distance ~ location) + xlab("Assessment number") + ylab("Infected plants") + theme_pubclean(base_family = "Arial Unicode MS") fig_1
ggsave(here::here("man", "figures/Fig1.png")) ggsave(here::here("man", "figures/Fig1.eps"), device = cairo_ps)
# data munging wind_direc_dat <- read_csv( system.file("extdata", "WindDirectionData.csv", package = "spatiotemporaldynamics") ) %>% mutate( wind_direction_degrees = case_when( wind_direction == "N" ~ "0", wind_direction == "NbE" ~ "11.25", wind_direction == "NNE" ~ "22.5", wind_direction == "NEbN" ~ "33.75", wind_direction == "NE" ~ "45", wind_direction == "NEbE" ~ "56.25", wind_direction == "ENE" ~ "67.5", wind_direction == "EbN" ~ "73.5", wind_direction == "E" ~ "90", wind_direction == "EbS" ~ "101.2", wind_direction == "ESE" ~ "112.5", wind_direction == "SEbE" ~ "123.8", wind_direction == "SE" ~ "135.1", wind_direction == "SEbS" ~ "146.3", wind_direction == "SSE" ~ "157.6", wind_direction == "SbE" ~ "168.8", wind_direction == "S" ~ "180", wind_direction == "SbW" ~ "191.2", wind_direction == "SSW" ~ "202.5", wind_direction == "SWbS" ~ "213.8", wind_direction == "SW" ~ "225", wind_direction == "SWbW" ~ "236.2", wind_direction == "WSW" ~ "247.5", wind_direction == "WbS" ~ "258.8", wind_direction == "W" ~ "270", wind_direction == "WbN" ~ "281.2", wind_direction == "WNW" ~ "292.5", wind_direction == "NWbW" ~ "303.8", wind_direction == "NW" ~ "315", wind_direction == "NWbN" ~ "326.2", wind_direction == "NNW" ~ "337.5", wind_direction == "NbW" ~ "348.8", TRUE ~ wind_direction ) ) %>% mutate(wind_direction_degrees = as.numeric(wind_direction_degrees)) %>% mutate(date = dmy(date))
# Import wind speed data wind_speed_dat <- read_csv(system.file("extdata", "WindSpeedData.csv", package = "spatiotemporaldynamics")) %>% mutate(date = as_date(dmy_hm(date))) ### Join wind speed and wind direction data wind_dat <- left_join(wind_speed_dat, wind_direc_dat)
fig_2 <- with( wind_dat, windrose( wind_speed, wind_direction_degrees, location, n_col = 2, legend_title = "Wind speed (m/s)" ) ) fig_2 <- fig_2 + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = "Wind Speed (m/s)", direction = -1) + xlab("") + theme_pubclean(base_family = "Arial Unicode MS") fig_2
ggsave(here::here("man", "figures/Fig2.png")) ggsave(here::here("man", "figures/Fig2.eps"), device = cairo_ps)
# data munging wind_dt <- wind_dat %>% mutate( assessment_number = case_when( date <= "2020-07-02" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 1, date > "2020-07-02" & date <= "2020-07-16" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 2, date > "2020-07-16" & date <= "2020-07-30" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 3, date > "2020-07-30" & date <= "2020-08-13" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 4, date > "2020-08-13" & date <= "2020-08-26" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 5, date > "2020-08-26" & date <= "2020-09-10" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 6, date > "2020-09-10" & date <= "2020-09-24" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 7, date > "2020-09-24" & date <= "2020-10-08" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 8, date > "2020-10-08" & date <= "2020-10-22" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 9, date > "2020-10-22" & date <= "2020-10-27" & location == "Billa Billa" ~ 10, date <= "2020-07-30" & location == "Tosari" ~ 1, date > "2020-07-30" & date <= "2020-08-14" & location == "Tosari" ~ 2, date > "2020-08-14" & date <= "2020-08-27" & location == "Tosari" ~ 3, date > "2020-08-27" & date <= "2020-09-10" & location == "Tosari" ~ 4, date > "2020-09-10" & date <= "2020-09-25" & location == "Tosari" ~ 5, date > "2020-09-25" & date <= "2020-10-09" & location == "Tosari" ~ 6, date > "2020-10-09" & date <= "2020-10-23" & location == "Tosari" ~ 7, date > "2020-10-23" & date <= "2020-11-05" & location == "Tosari" ~ 8 ) ) %>% mutate(assessment_number = as.factor(assessment_number)) Billa_Billa_wind_dt <- filter(wind_dt, location == "Billa Billa") Tosari_wind_dt <- filter(wind_dt, location == "Tosari") %>% droplevels()
# create breaks for the windroses breaks <- classIntervals(wind_dat$wind_speed, n = 4, style = "jenks") # Billa Billa windrose fig_3.1 <- with( Billa_Billa_wind_dt, windrose( wind_speed, wind_direction_degrees, facet = assessment_number, n_col = 5, legend_title = "Wind speed (m/s)", speed_cuts = c(0, 1.4, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, 7) ) ) fig_3.1 <- fig_3.1 + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = "Wind Speed (m/s)", direction = -1, option = "cividis") + scale_y_continuous(name = "Proportion (%)", labels = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)) + xlab("") + theme_pubclean(base_family = "Arial Unicode MS") + theme( axis.ticks.length = unit(0, "mm"), axis.line = element_blank(), panel.spacing.x = unit(0, "lines"), panel.spacing.y = unit(0, "lines"), plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0, "cm") ) # Tosari windrose fig_3.2 <- with( Tosari_wind_dt, windrose( wind_speed, wind_direction_degrees, facet = assessment_number, n_col = 5, legend_title = "Wind speed (m/s)", speed_cuts = c(0, 1.4, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, 7) ) ) fig_3.2 <- fig_3.2 + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = "Wind Speed (m/s)", direction = -1, option = "cividis") + scale_y_continuous(name = "Proportion (%)", labels = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)) + xlab("") + theme_pubclean(base_family = "Arial Unicode MS") + theme( legend.position = "none", axis.ticks.length = unit(0, "mm"), axis.line = element_blank(), panel.spacing.x = unit(0, "lines"), panel.spacing.y = unit(0, "lines"), plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0, "cm") ) fig_3 <- fig_3.1 / fig_3.2 fig_3 <- fig_3 + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") & theme(plot.tag = element_text()) fig_3
ggsave(here::here("man", "figures/Fig3.png")) ggsave(here::here("man", "figures/Fig3.eps"), device = cairo_ps)
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