knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, error = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(progress = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE) knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7, fig.align = "center" )
library("readxl") library("tidyverse") library("lubridate") library("spatiotemporaldynamics") library("SDMTools") library("glmmTMB") library("DHARMa") library("gridExtra") library("ggpubr") library("here") library("ggeffects")
### import spatiotemporal spread data dat <- read_excel( system.file("extdata", "SpatioTemporalSpreadData_N.xlsx", package = "spatiotemporaldynamics"), sheet = 1 ) summary(dat)
wind <- read_excel( system.file("extdata", "DailyWindDirectionData.xlsx", package = "spatiotemporaldynamics"), sheet = 1 ) summary(wind)
Wind direction for the Billa Billa site is the character format recorded as the text value of the wind direction. We need to convert it to degrees for calculations and then calculate the fortnightly average wind direction for use in the GLMMs.
wind <- wind %>% mutate(wind_degrees = as.numeric( case_when( daily_avg_wind_direction == "N" ~ "0", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NbE" ~ "11.25", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NNE" ~ "22.5", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NEbN" ~ "33.75", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NE" ~ "45", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NEbE" ~ "56.25", daily_avg_wind_direction == "ENE" ~ "67.5", daily_avg_wind_direction == "EbN" ~ "73.5", daily_avg_wind_direction == "E" ~ "90", daily_avg_wind_direction == "EbS" ~ "101.2", daily_avg_wind_direction == "ESE" ~ "112.5", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SEbE" ~ "123.8", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SE" ~ "135.1", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SEbS" ~ "146.3", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SSE" ~ "157.6", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SbE" ~ "168.8", daily_avg_wind_direction == "S" ~ "180", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SbW" ~ "191.2", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SSW" ~ "202.5", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SWbS" ~ "213.8", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SW" ~ "225", daily_avg_wind_direction == "SWbW" ~ "236.2", daily_avg_wind_direction == "WSW" ~ "247.5", daily_avg_wind_direction == "WbS" ~ "258.8", daily_avg_wind_direction == "W" ~ "270", daily_avg_wind_direction == "WbN" ~ "281.2", daily_avg_wind_direction == "WNW" ~ "292.5", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NWbW" ~ "303.8", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NW" ~ "315", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NWbN" ~ "326.2", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NNW" ~ "337.5", daily_avg_wind_direction == "NbW" ~ "348.8", TRUE ~ daily_avg_wind_direction ) )) %>% group_by(location, assessment_number) %>% summarise(wind_direction = circular.averaging(wind_degrees))
Left-join the wind and disease data for analysis in the GLMMs.
dat <- left_join(dat, wind, by = c("location", "assessment_number"))
This is required to determine whether quadrats located in particular direction around the primary infection foci has a significantly faster disease progress rates, which in turn will inform us about directional disease spread by wind direction
dat <- unite(dat, quadrat_direc, c(location, direction), remove = FALSE)
cols_1 <- c("location", "quadrat", "direction", "quadrat_direc") dat[cols_1] <- lapply(dat[cols_1], factor) cols_2 <- c("infected_plants", "total_plants") dat[cols_2] <- lapply(dat[cols_2], as.integer) dat$assessment_number <- as.factor(dat$assessment_number)
sapply(dat, class)
Use glmms to include different assessment dates/assessment numbers as random effects since they were not independent. That is, disease assessment conducted at a later assessment date was dependent on the amount of disease present in the former assessment date. Density plots show the data is over-dispersed. It should be noted that over-dispersion is due to excess zeros, especially at the beginning, which in turn is attributed to low level of inoculum/rain. That is, excess zeros explains biological phenomena, and we don't want to control for over-dispersion. Rather we are interested in making inferences about over-dispersion as a component of ecological process. The use of quasipoisson family, which fits an extra parameter that allows variance is greater than mean, allows to make such inferences
mod1 <- glmmTMB( infected_plants ~ total_rain + avg_rh + avg_temp + avg_wind_speed + distance + location + (1 |assessment_number) + offset(log(total_plants)), family = nbinom1, data = dat ) summary(mod1)
The predictor quadrat_direc
had to be dropped from the model because the model failed to converge. There is not enough data for the mixed model to include all predictors.
Estimate for Tosari is negative and relative humidity has a negative effect, which doesn't make any biological sense. This means that an important predictor is missing. Try interaction between wind direction and relative humidity
mod2 <- glmmTMB( infected_plants ~ total_rain + avg_rh + wind_direction + avg_rh * wind_direction + avg_wind_speed + avg_temp + distance + location + (1 | assessment_number) + offset(log(total_plants)), family = nbinom1, data = dat ) summary(mod2)
It can be seen that significant negative effect of relative humidity has been removed with a significant negative interaction between wind speed and wind direction
Remove wind speed due to its very p-large value
mod3 <- glmmTMB( infected_plants ~ total_rain + wind_direction + avg_rh * wind_direction + avg_temp + distance + location + (1 | assessment_number) + offset(log(total_plants)), family = nbinom1, data = dat ) summary(mod3)
anova(mod1, mod2, mod3)
Mod3 explains significant variations.
Remove offset to make prediction for the current number of plants. Retaining them result in very low y-axis values
both_mod3 <- glmmTMB( infected_plants ~ total_rain + wind_direction + avg_rh * wind_direction + avg_temp + distance + location + (1 | assessment_number), family = nbinom1, data = dat ) summary(both_mod3)
Make plots for individual predictors and combine them using gridExtra
f1 <- plot(ggpredict(both_mod3 , "total_rain")) f2 <- plot(ggpredict(both_mod3 , c("avg_rh", "wind_direction"))) f3 <- plot(ggpredict(both_mod3 , "avg_temp")) f4 <- plot(ggpredict(both_mod3, "distance")) f5 <- plot(ggpredict(both_mod3, "wind_direction")) fig_5 <- grid.arrange(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5) fig_5
ggsave( here("man", "figures/fig_5.png"), plot = fig_5, width = 9, height = 9, units = "in", dpi = 600 ) fig_5
simulateResiduals(mod3, plot = T, quantreg=T)
Significant DHARMa tests alert indicate that there COULD be a problem. A likely reason could be the large number of observations (n=1800). DHARMa tests are usually significant for the last number of observations because some deviations from observations are inevitable in a large scale study. It might also be possible that an important predictors is missing. The weather station used in this study didn't record dew points
. Future studies should aim to include dew points
as a predictor.
performance::check_model(mod3, panel = FALSE)
There is moderate collinearity between relative humidity and wind direction, but since both are not directly related, both predictors have been included in the model. Here is the reference
No heteroscedasticity detected
No zero-inflation detected
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