Man pages for IndicoDataSolutions/IndicoIo-R
A simple R Wrapper for the indico set of APIs -

addData-Collection-methodThis is the basic training endpoint. Given a piece of text...
analyze_imageReturns multiple image API results in a single request /...
analyze_textReturns multiple text API results in a single request /...
clear-Collection-methodThis is an API made to remove all of the data associated from...
Collection-classA class description
collectionsThis is a status report endpoint. It is used to get the...
content_filteringDetects NSFW content in an image
convert_resultsConverts response list to one that uses user inputted api...
emotionDetects emotion of the text
face_emotionDetects face emotion
facial_featuresDetects facial features
facial_localizationDetects faces
format_imageReturns a response from the indico API endpoint
format_imagesReturns a list of 'data.frame's given a list of input images
image_featuresDetects image features
image_recognitionDetects image recognition
info-Collection-methodReturn the current state of the model associated with a given...
intersectionsReturns strength of correlation between API results
keywordsTags text with likely keywords
languageDetects language of the text
make_requestReturns a response from the indico API endpoint
organizationsFinds the names of organizations in the input text
peopleFinds the names and titles of people in the input text
personalityPredicts a score between 0 and 1 for 4 personality traits for...
personasPredicts the likelyhood the author of the text is 16...
placesFinds the names of places in the input text
politicalReturns a probability distribution over the political...
predict-Collection-methodThis is the prediction endpoint. This will be the primary...
relevanceDetermines how relevant a query string is to a given document
remove_example-Collection-methodThis is an API made to remove a single instance of training...
request_urlReturns the url for the proper indico API
sentimentReturns a scalar estimate of the sentiment of the text
sentiment_hqReturns a scalar estimate of the sentiment of the text
text_featuresTransforms text inputs into numerical features
text_tagsTags text with likely categories
train-Collection-methodThis is the basic training endpoint. Given an existing...
twitter_engagementReturns a float indicating engagement score for the text
wait-Collection-methodBlock until the collection's model is completed training
IndicoDataSolutions/IndicoIo-R documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:37 a.m.