lifecycle Travis Build
Status AppVeyor Build
Status CircleCI


The goal of rpkgtools is to make it easy to install and subsequently load packages needed for development and maintenance of R packages.


You can install the rpkgtools from GitHub:


Loading the package-

## load rpkgtools
#> -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rpkgtools --
#> v available    1.0.2          v goodpractice 1.0.2     
#> v bench        1.0.1          v pkgdown      1.3.0     
#> v desc         1.2.0          v usethis
#> v pkgverse     0.0.1          v testthat     2.0.1     
#> v pkgbuild     1.0.2          v spelling     1.2       
#> v pkgload      1.0.2          v RTest        1.2.1     
#> v rcmdcheck    1.3.2          v rhub         1.0.2     
#> v remotes      2.0.2          v roxygen2     6.1.1     
#> v sessioninfo  1.1.1          v sinew        0.3.8     
#> v covr         3.2.1          v styler       1.1.0     
#> v exampletestr 1.4.1          v vdiffr       0.2.3     
#> v lintr        1.0.3
#> -- Conflicts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rpkgtools_conflicts() --
#> x RTest::summary() masks base::summary()

If and when they are released on CRAN, the following pacakges will also be included-

If there are other R packages that you think are important for package development, please raise an issue or make a PR.

For a more detailed account about how to develop R packages, see the following textbook by Hadley Wickham-

Code of Conduct

Please note that the rpkgtools project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

IndrajeetPatil/devtoolverse documentation built on May 7, 2019, 4:37 p.m.