Man pages for IndrajeetPatil/ggstatsplot
'ggplot2' Based Plots with Statistical Details

bugs_longTidy version of the "Bugs" dataset.
bugs_wideWide-format version of the "Bugs" dataset.
combine_plotsCombining and arranging multiple plots in a grid
dot-grouped_listSplit data frame into a list by grouping variable
dot-is_palette_sufficientCheck if palette has enough number of colors
extract_statsExtracting data frames or expressions from '{ggstatsplot}'...
ggbarstatsStacked bar charts with statistical tests
ggbetweenstatsBox/Violin plots for between-subjects comparisons
ggcoefstatsDot-and-whisker plots for regression analyses
ggcorrmatVisualization of a correlation matrix
ggdotplotstatsDot plot/chart for labeled numeric data.
gghistostatsHistogram for distribution of a numeric variable
ggpiestatsPie charts with statistical tests
ggscatterstatsScatterplot with marginal distributions and statistical...
ggstatsplot-packageggstatsplot: 'ggplot2' Based Plots with Statistical Details
ggwithinstatsBox/Violin plots for repeated measures comparisons
grouped_ggbarstatsGrouped bar charts with statistical tests
grouped_ggbetweenstatsViolin plots for group or condition comparisons in...
grouped_ggcorrmatVisualization of a correlalogram (or correlation matrix) for...
grouped_ggdotplotstatsGrouped histograms for distribution of a labeled numeric...
grouped_gghistostatsGrouped histograms for distribution of a numeric variable
grouped_ggpiestatsGrouped pie charts with statistical tests
grouped_ggscatterstatsScatterplot with marginal distributions for all levels of a...
grouped_ggwithinstatsViolin plots for group or condition comparisons in...
iris_longEdgar Anderson's Iris Data in long format.
movies_longMovie information and user ratings from (long...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
theme_ggstatsplotDefault theme used in '{ggstatsplot}'
Titanic_fullTitanic dataset.
IndrajeetPatil/ggstatsplot documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 10:31 a.m.