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#'@title Encode Latitude and Longitude Values
#'@description \code{\link{gh_encode}} generates geohashes of a
#'given precision from vectors of latitude and longitude values.
#'@param lats a numeric vector of latitude values.
#'@param lngs a numeric vector of longitude values. Must be the same length
#'as \code{lat}.
#'@param precision an integer representing the precision the hashes should have.
#'This should be between 1 and 10; if the precision requested is greater than 10, it will
#'use 10 - if less than 1, it will error.
#'@return a character vector of hashes, the same length as \code{lat} and \code{lng},
#'with \code{NA} values where one of the equivalent lat/lng pair was NA.
#'# A simple example:
#'gh_encode(lat = 42.60498046875, lng = -5.60302734375, precision = 5)
#'#[1] "ezs42"
#'@seealso \code{\link{gh_decode}}, for taking geohashes and turning them back into coordinates,
#'and \code{\link{gh_neighbours}} for retrieving the neighbouring hashes to a particular hash.
gh_encode <- function(lats, lngs, precision = 6L) {
    .Call(`_geohash_gh_encode`, lats, lngs, precision)

#'@title Decode Geohashes
#'@description \code{gh_decode} takes geohashes and turns them back into
#'latitude/longitude pairs, with an associated margin of error for each value.
#'@param hashes a character vector of geohashes.
#'@return a data.frame of five columns; "gh", "lat", "lng", "lat_error" and "lng_error"
#'@seealso \code{\link{gh_encode}} for generating geohashes, and
#'\code{\link{gh_neighbours}} for identifying the neighbouring hash boxes
#'to a geohash.
#'# A simple example:
#'gh_encode(lat = 42.60498046875, lng = -5.60302734375, precision = 5)
#'#[1] "ezs42"
#'#      gh      lat       lng  lat_error  lng_error
#'# 1 ezs42 42.60498 -5.603027 0.02197266 0.02197266
gh_decode <- function(hashes) {
    .Call(`_geohash_gh_decode`, hashes)

#'@rdname neighbours
gh_neighbours <- function(hashes) {
    .Call(`_geohash_gh_neighbours`, hashes)

gh_neighbour <- function(hashes, direction) {
    .Call(`_geohash_gh_neighbour`, hashes, direction)
Ironholds/geohash documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:40 a.m.