Ironholds/rgeolocate: IP Address Geolocation

Connectors to online and offline sources for taking IP addresses and geolocating them to country, city, timezone and other geographic ranges. For individual connectors, see the package index.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorOs Keyes [aut, cre], Drew Schmidt [aut], David Robinson [ctb], Chris Davis [ctb], Bob Rudis [ctb], Maxmind, Inc. [cph], Pascal Gloor [cph], [cph]
MaintainerOs Keyes <>
LicenseApache License (== 2.0)
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
Ironholds/rgeolocate documentation built on Jan. 31, 2023, 7:07 p.m.