Man pages for IvoryC/shinyBioLockJ
BioLockJ GUI

aliasFromRunlineDerive the module Alias from a given runline
applyShinyFeedbackapply shiny feedback
biolockj_serverBioLockJ server.R
biolockj_uiBioLockJ ui.R
buildFilePathPropUIBuild UI for File Path Properties
classFromRunlineDerive the module class from a given runline
detect_deploymentdetect deployment
doIncludePropInclude Property
filePathChoicesUpdate File Path Choices
findExampleConfigsFind Example Configs
getModuleOverridePropModule Override Prop
getModuleRunLinesModule Run Lines
groupPropsByCategoryGroup Properties By Category
hasDockerCmdHas Docker Command
isBadPrecheckResponsePrecheck Response
isInDockerTest for docker container
is_key_module_propIs this a key property
isSharedPropShared Properties
isValidAliasTest if a string is a valid module alias
makeRunLineAssemble the run line for a module
modulePerPropModule Per Prop
module_userguide_urlCreate a user guide link for a module.
namedDefaultValsNamed Default Values
orderDefaultPropFilesOrder Default Props Files
propInfoSansSpecialsLimit Prop Info for GUI
propsInfoForTypeProperty Info For Type
propUiNameName UI elements for BioLockJ Properties
renderPropUiGeneral BioLockJ Properties UI
shiny_biolockjshiny biolockj
updateSharedPropUiUpdate the values in the ui controls for shared properties
writeConfigPropFormat a property for BioLockJ
writeFilePathFile Paths for BioLockJ
IvoryC/shinyBioLockJ documentation built on May 29, 2021, 7:40 a.m.