Man pages for JB-Sandbox/C3Test

c3ChartProxyCreate a C3 proxy object
C3Gauge<Add Title>
C3Gauge-shinyShiny bindings for C3Gauge
C3Line<Add Title>
C3LineBarChartC3LineBarChart widget
C3LineBarChart-shinyShiny bindings for C3LineBarChart
C3Line-shinyShiny bindings for C3Line
C3Pie<Add Title>
C3Pie-shinyShiny bindings for C3Pie
C3StackedAreaChart<Add Title>
C3StackedAreaChart-shinyShiny bindings for C3StackedAreaChart
C3StackedChart-shinyShiny bindings for C3StackedChart
C3Timeseries<Add Title>
C3Timeseries-shinyShiny bindings for C3Timeseries
setColorsSets the colors of an existing C3 chart
setGroupsSet chart groups
setTypesSet chart types
transformToSet all chart types simulaneously
zoomChartZooms an existing C3Chart from shiny
JB-Sandbox/C3Test documentation built on Jan. 19, 2020, 12:23 a.m.