This vignette provides a basic introduction for running HIRM. Here we will show how to use HIRM with its built-in inputs derived from Hector. HIRM could however be set up use inputs from any process-based model.

RCP 4.5 Run

First, load the hirm package and other helpful packages.

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
library(ggplot2)  # For plotting

Then load the built-in HIRM inputs.

# This is Hector's general impulse response function (IRF). The relationship between global mean temperature and radiative forcing is the same for all aerosols and ghgs. 
irf_input <- Hector_IRF 
# This is a list of radiative forcing pathways (RF) for different aerosols and ghgs for different RCP scenarios. 
rf_inputs <- Hector_RF
# The configuration matrix  will be used to pair IRFs with RF pathways.
config_matrix <- Hector_ConfigMatrix

Get an idea of what the configuration matrix looks like.

# In this matrix each row represents a different RF pathway and the columns represent different IRFs. (Hector has a single general IRF while other process-based models have multiple). Currently all of the entries in the matrix are set to 0, meaning that non of the RF pathways are paried with the IRF. 

Now all of the HIRM inputs are loaded modify the configuration matrix to set HIRM up for a specific run. For this example let's set HIRM up to run the rcp45 scenario.

# Figure out which RF pathways have a pattern that matches our scenario name. 
scenario_name <- 'rcp45' 
rf_indices    <- which(grepl(pattern = scenario_name, x = row.names(config_matrix)))

# For each rcp45 RF pathway change the entry from a 0 to 1 so that HIRM will pair Hector's general IRF with the RF pathway input. 
config_matrix[rf_indices, 1] <- 1

Use the inputs in the impulse respose model (IRM).

rslt <- core_IRM(config_matrix = config_matrix, 
                 rf_list = rf_inputs, 
                 irf_list = irf_input) 

Plot the temperature results.

ggplot(data = rslt$total_temp) + 
  geom_line(aes(year, value)) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(title = "HIRM RCP 4.5 Global Mean Temp", y = expression(degree~'C'), x = 'Year') 

Plot the temperature contribution of each radiative forcing agent.

ggplot(data = rslt$temp_contributions) + 
  geom_line(aes(year, value, color = RF_agent)) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(title = "HIRM RCP 4.5 RF Agent Temperarure Contributions", 
       y = expression(degree~'C'), x = 'Year') 

JGCRI/HIRM documentation built on May 7, 2020, 9:38 a.m.