Man pages for JGCRI/persephone
A collection of functions for emulating crop yield change

add_lat_bandsA function to categorize latitudes
convert_ctwA function to convert input changes in T, changes in W, and...
cross_validate_10foldA function for 10fold cross validation on a predefined...
cross_validate_LOOA function for leave one out cross validation on a predefined...
fit_func_form_ensembleA function to fit the Bayesian model and write the resulting...
func_form_evaluateA function to evaluate yield changes in response to input CTW...
plot_IRSA function to save 4 core Impact response surfaces for paper,...
plot_map_emulated_yieldsA function to save 4 core Impact response surfaces for paper,...
repeat_add_columnsA function to repeat for added columns Cribbed from gcamdata
JGCRI/persephone documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:25 a.m.