hurricane_geocode: Convert a storm center and wind radius into a set of arc...

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/hurricane_geocode.R


This function's primary purpose is to transform hurricane data (longitude/latitude of eye and distance of wind speeds) into a set of points outlining an arc for each provided wind speed while preserving the actual longitude and latitude of where the winds radius would reach. The bulk of the work is done by functions from the geosphere package to code the distance to proper spacial coordinates. While generating points with this function may be interesting, its true purpose is to support data transforms necessary for geom_hurricane.


hurricane_geocode(storm_data, x = "longitude", y = "latitude",
  r = "wind_radius", quadrant = "quadrant", wind_speed = "wind_speed",
  arcRes = 1)



This input is a transformed set of data from the Colorado State compilation of NHC data. The data must have been run through the tidy_tracks function. Alternatively, a different function can be used so long as the input data contains all needed components.


This should be the column name of the longitudinal coordinate of the eye of the hurricanes.


This should be the column name of the latitudinal coordinate of the eye of the hurricanes.


This is the name of the column that holds the farthest distance for which the wind speed was recorded.


This is the name of the column containing the names of the spatial quadrants on a map. Currently only ne, se, sw, and nw are acceptable entries.


This is the name of the column containing the speeds of wind for which measuments exist. There is an important implicit assumption that faster winds will ALWAYS have a smaller r value than slower winds for a given quadrant. This fact is used to create arc point parings.


This specifies the number of angular degrees (as in degrees of a circle not of a longitude nor latitude coord) between each point. Lower numbers produce more points, and smoother curves when put on a map.


A data.frame, tibble per dplyr package.

JJNewkirk/hurRicane documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:12 a.m.