Man pages for JMLuther/tabletools
Helpful Tools to Make html Tables

calculate_ageCalculate age from date of birth
calculate_avg_glucoseEstimate average glucose from A1C value
calculate_bmiCalculate Body Mass Index (BMI)
calculate_bsaBody Surface Area Calculation
calculate_creatclearance_cgCalculate estimated GFR by Cockcroft-Gault
calculate_creatclearance_urineCalculate 24hour creatinine clearance by 24-hour urine...
calculate_egfr_ckdepiCalculate estimated GFR by CKD-EPI equation
calculate_egfr_ckdepi_cyscCalculate estimated GFR by 2021 CKD-EPI creatine/Cystatin C...
calculate_egfr_mdrdCalculate estimated GFR by MDRD
calculate_homairCalculate HOMA-IR from fasting glucose and insulin
calculate_igi30Insulinogenic Index Calculation (from standard 75g OGTT)
calculate_igi60Insulinogenic Index Calculation (from standard 75g OGTT)
calculate_matsuda_indexMatsuda-Defronzo Index Calculation (from standard 75g OGTT)
calculate_matsuda_index_dfMatsuda-Defronzo Index Calculation (from standard 75g OGTT)
calculate_quickiQuick Index of Insulin Sensitivity (QUICKI)
calculate_stumvoll_isiStumvoll Insulin Sensitivity Index Calculation (from standard...
convert_glucose_to_mMConvert glucose from mg/dL to mmol/L
convert_height_to_mConvert height to m
convert_insulin_to_uU_mlConvert Insulin concentration to uU/mL
convert_time_to_minConvert time to minutes
convert_weight_to_kgConvert weight to kg
factor_glucose_fastingFasting Glucose Classification
factor_glucose_toleranceGlucose Tolerance Test Classification
geom_barmeanSummary bar plot (with optional error bar, overlying points)
geom_lmlinear regression version of geom_smooth()
geom_pointline_semggplot group summary stat with line, point and error bar
gls_pvalueGet p-value from an rms::Gls model
my_summaryCustom Summarization for a variable in a dataframe
pick_bestmatch_indexFuzzy matching functions
pick_bestmatch_scoreFuzzy matching functions
pick_bestmatch_valueFuzzy matching functions
rcorr_cleanModify rcorr results
rcorr_padjustAdjust p-value for an Hmisc::rcorr object
table_grouped_summaryGrouped Summary Table with optional html output
txt_chisquare_reportSummary text functions for html tables
txt_clean_nonasciiFunctions to clean character strings
txt_mcnemar_reportSummary text functions for html tables
txt_mean_rangeSummary text functions for html tables
txt_mean_sdSummary text functions for html tables
txt_mean_semSummary text functions for html tables
txt_median_iqrSummary text functions for html tables
txt_pct_frSummary text functions for html tables
JMLuther/tabletools documentation built on July 1, 2024, 2:01 p.m.