JRC-COMBINE/PhysioSpaceMethods: Creates and uses physio spaces as a dimension reduction mapping

This package uses 'Big Data' to make robust 'Physiological Vectors' in N dimension space, within which it is possible to map new unknown data. The calculation pipeline is a robust statistical method for relating high dimensional omics data sets from heterogeneous sources using shared physiological processes. It is designed to take advantage of the vast availability of public omics data, which in combination with statistical approaches makes a potent tool capable of analyzing heterogeneous biological data sets. 'calculatePhysioMap' is the main analytical function of the package. It uses a nonlinear mapping function to relate the unknown input data with a physiological space. Physiological spaces are mathematical spaces built upon known physiological data, and generated using the 'spaceMaker' function.

Getting started

Package details

Bioconductor views Clustering DimensionReduction GeneExpression Software
URL https://github.com/JRC-COMBINE/PhysioSpaceMethods
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
JRC-COMBINE/PhysioSpaceMethods documentation built on July 27, 2021, 12:53 p.m.