Man pages for JSmith146/CoRpEx
CorpEx is Designed for the Exploration and Mining of Large Textual Corpuses of Documents

bigram.networkNetwork graph of most frequent bigrams found throughout the...
cor.networkNetwork graph of the most correlated pairs of terms found...
CoRpEx-packageA short title line describing what the package does
corp.plotTime series plot of document frequency
corpusPrepCheck and prepare a corpus for use with functions in this...
iso.dateCreate a subcorpus based on user specified date ranges
keyword.corpusCreate a subcorpus based on a user specified keyword
kwsearchTime series line plot of the frequency of documents...
mergeTermsTransform, merge, separate, or delete terms from a corpus
ngram.printInverted bar graph of the most frequent n-grams found within...
readTabularReproduction of the readTabular from the tm package
topic.modelsUncover and assign topics to documents within a corpus
topic.numberEstimate the correct number of hidden topics to choose.
word.AssocsTime series plot of terms associated with a specified word.
JSmith146/CoRpEx documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:11 p.m.