Man pages for JTT94/cpmmc

cpmmcInstantiate cpmmc object and set initial parameters
get_chainGeneric function to access proposed and/or accepted chains...
get_chain_lengthGeneric function to access proposed and/or accepted chains...
get_chain_length.markov_chainS3 Implementation of get_chain_length generic method for...
get_chain.markov_chainS3 Implementation of get_chain generic method for...
get_stateGeneric function to access latest state in a markov chain
get_state.markov_chainS3 Implementation of get_state generic method for...
helloHello, World!
markov_chainInstantiate Markov chain object and set the transition kernel
metropolis_hastingsInstantiate metropolis_hastings object and set initial...
normal_densityHelper function to generate samples for univariate and...
normal_log_IS_estimateHelper function to perform importance sampling for the random...
normal_random_effect_modelInstantiate random_effects_model object
normal_samplerHelper function to perform density calculation for univariate...
run_chainGeneric function to extend the markov chain by n steps
run_chain.markov_chainS3 Implementation of run_chain generic method for...
single_transitionGeneric function to extend the markov chain by a single step
single_transition.cpmmcS3 Implementation of single_transition generic method for...
single_transition.markov_chainS3 Implementation of single_transition generic method for...
JTT94/cpmmc documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:08 p.m.