Man pages for JVAdams/EchoNet2Fish
Estimate Fish Abundance from Acoustic Echoes and Net Catch

colorValColors Based on Values
combinecsvCombine Several Comma Delimited Files into a Single Data...
dfPlotPlot All Variables of a Data Frame
dfSmryBrief Summary of a Data Frame
dfTidyTidy Up a Data Frame
EchoEnvEchoNet2Fish Package Local Environment
EchoNet2FishEstimate Fish Abundance from Acoustic Echoes and Net Catch
endrtfWrite and Close an RTF Document
estimateACMTEstimate Fish Density and Biomass from Acoustic and Midwater...
estimateACMT2Estimate Fish Density and Biomass from Acoustic and Midwater...
estimateLakeLake-Wide Fish Estimates from Acoustic and Midwater Trawl...
estNvEstimate the Number of Targets in the Acoustic Beam
estrhovEstimate the Volumetric Fish Density
estWeightEstimate Fish Weight From Length
exploreACMTExplore Acoustic and Midwater Trawl Data
exploreACMT2Explore Acoustic and Midwater Trawl Data
figuAdd a Figure to an RTF Document
groupLogAssign Groups to Data on the Log Scale
headingAdd a Heading to an RTF Document
histMultiMultipanel Histogram of Values
LakenamesGreat Lakes Names
latlon2utmConvert Lon/Lat to UTM
lon2utmZoneDetermine UTM Zone from Longitude
mapApporMultipanel Map of Locations
mapBy2GroupsMultipanel Map of Locations, with Gaps
mapByGroupDraw a Map using Different Colored Symbols for Groups
mapMultiMultipanel Map of Locations
paDensDensity Per Unit Area
paraAdd a Paragraph to an RTF Document
plotACMTsliceMultipanel Plot of AC and MT Samples by Slice
plotAgeLenPlot Age-Length Key
plotIntLayPlot Acoustic Survey Data using Different Colored Symbols
plotSpeciesPlot Boxplots of Continuous Data by Species
plotValuesTest for and Plot Errors in Acoustic Survey Values
readAllRead in All the Data Corresponding to a Specified Reference...
readAll2Read in All the Data Corresponding to a Specified Reference...
readSVTSRead in Sv or TS Data from Echoview
recodeRecode Values
replaceBiasedSigmaReplace Biased Backscattering Cross Sections
sigma2TSConvert Backscattering Cross Section to Target Strength
sigmaAvgEstimate the Average Backscattering Cross Section
sliceCatCategorize Observations as Slices for Matching Acoustic...
startrtfCreate an RTF Document
stratClustEstimation from a Stratified Survey Design
tablAdd a Table to an RTF Document
TS2sigmaConvert Target Strength to Backscattering Cross Section
JVAdams/EchoNet2Fish documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 4:27 a.m.