Resume R Markdown Templates

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The resume library helps you to create your dream job application documents. My main motivation was to learn how to write R libraries and show it off in my own résumé. Now I want to share it with others.


You can install this from Github via the devtools package:



You can use these templates in:

The easiest way to use my templates is within Rstudio. Go to File > New File > R Markdown. Here, select any template you’d like to use.

This library includes the following templates:

Next step is to modify the new created R Markdown document:

Finally use the Knit button to produce résumé document like this:

or like this:

And cover letter like this:

Usage in Google Colaboratory

In addition to RStudio, you can use the templates in Google Colab:

JacekPardyak/resume documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 7:50 a.m.