Man pages for JackXu2333/rseAnalysis
Correlation analysis of RNA secondary structure mutation and differential expression

Analysis.DISEXPPerform correlation analysis based on RNA distance and Gene...
bed2dfReturn a dataframe object with RNA location information
DNA2RNAReturn the transcript of input DNA
fasta2dfReturn a dataframe object with fasta information
predictDistanceReturn list of calculated RNA distance
predictDistance_gsc(Internal Function) Return list of calculated RNA distance...
predictDistance_RNADis(Internal Function) Return list of calculated RNA distance...
predictStructureReturn list of predicted secondary structure
RNA.validateApply DNA mutation to RNA and validate the file
runRSEAnalysisLaunch Shiny App For Package rseAnalysis
vcf2dfReturn a dataframe object with gene mutation information
JackXu2333/rseAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 1:10 p.m.