EDRDistSakoeChiba_fast: (Fast) Edit Distance on Real Sequence and Sakoe-Chiba Window

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References See Also


Computes the Edit distance on Real Sequence as described by Chen, Özsu and Oria (2005), constraining the possible matches to a maximum index difference of windowSize as desribed by Sakoe and Chiba (1978). The coding is inspired by the TSdist::EDRDistance() method, but faster because point-to-point distances computation is integrated into the C++ code.


EDRDistSakoeChiba_fast(x, y, epsilon, windowSize)



1st numeric vector/time series.


2nd numeric vector/time series.


Maximum distance between two time series elements to count a match.


The maximum index difference which is considered when matching elements


Despite the name, it is not really a distance in the strict sense, as EDR violates the triangular inequality.


The distance as double (not-a-number if matching is not possible as the time series lengths differ more than windowSize).


Chen, L., Özsu, M. T. & Oria, V. (2005). Robust and fast similarity search for moving object trajectories. In Proceedings of the 2005 acm sigmod international conference on management of data (pp. 491–502). ACM.

Sakoe, H., & Chiba, S. (1978). Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for spoken word recognition. IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing, 26(1), 43-49.

See Also

Other Edit distance functions: EDRDistMult_fast, EDRDistSakoeChibaMult_fast, EDRDist_fast, ERPDistMult_fast, ERPDistSakoeChibaMult_fast, ERPDistSakoeChiba_fast, ERPDistSakoeChiba, ERPDist_fast, ERPDist

Jakob-Bach/FastTSDistances documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:15 p.m.