Man pages for James-Thorson/movement_tools
Tools for movement operators in GMRF models

approx_equalschecks if two numbers are close to equal
Breaks_Fndivides a vector into break points
crossprod_fncrossproduct of two vectors
Diff_GridOperatorDifference operator for a grid
dotproddotproduct for two vectors
GridOperator_FnCalculate movement operators on a grid
Laplacian_GridOperatorCalculate Laplacian operator on a grid
Loc2Tri_FnAssign locations to a triangulated domain
Make_Movement_MeshMake a triangulated mesh for the domain of a population, to...
matpowRaise a matrix to a power
mesh_centersCalculate centers for a set of triangles
MovementMatrix_FnCalculate movement matrices on triangulated mesh
movement_tools-packageThis package gives helper functions for movement operators on...
PlotImage_FnPlot density surface on a triangulated mesh
posfluxCalculate flux outward from triangle
TriList_FnCalculate properties of a triangulated mesh
James-Thorson/movement_tools documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:19 a.m.