  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)

Assigning Variable Types

The function type can be used to assign the type attribute to a single vector, a column in a data.frame, of multiple columns of a data.frame. There are a couple ways to use the function depending on the object that the type attribute is being assigned.

The following is a list of the type's that are available. If a type other than these is used, and error is returned.

Assign type to vector

foo <- rnorm(20)

type(foo) <- "x"

type(foo) <- "error"

Assign type to a single data.frame column.

type(test$usubjid) <- "id"

Assign type to data.frame

Assign to entire data.frame

value is assigned by the index of value to the corresponding column of x. There are alternative approaches as well.

test2 <- test[, 1:6]

type(test2) <- c("id", "id", "id", "x", "x", "x")

Using a named vector

vnames <- sample(names(test), 6)
v <- c("x", "id", "x", "y", "x", "x")
v <- setNames(v, vnames)

test2 <- test[, vnames]
type(test2) <- v

Using the fill option in the method for data.frame

In order for the type function to work on a data.frame, a type must be assigned to every column. Thus the parameters in data.frame method for type must be that length(value) == ncol(x), unless the fill parameter is used. Using the fill parameter allows you to specify one variable type that is assigned to all the columns which are not explicitly named.

type(test, fill = "x") <- v

NA can also be used as a fill value to exclude unused variables.

type(test, fill = NA_character_) <- v

JamesCuster/BDSHInfra documentation built on May 12, 2021, 4:42 a.m.