
Defines functions qgis_angletonearest

Documented in qgis_angletonearest

##' QGIS Algorithm provided by QGIS (native c++) Align points to features (native:angletonearest). Rotates point features to align them to nearby features. This algorithm calculates the rotation required to align point features with their nearest feature from another reference layer. A new field is added to the output layer which is filled with the angle (in degrees, clockwise) to the nearest reference feature.  Optionally, the output layer's symbology can be set to automatically use the calculated rotation field to rotate marker symbols.  If desired, a maximum distance to use when aligning points can be set, to avoid aligning isolated points to distant features.
##' @title QGIS algorithm - Align points to features
##' @param INPUT `source` - Input layer. Path to a vector layer.
##' @param REFERENCE_LAYER `source` - Reference layer. Path to a vector layer.
##' @param MAX_DISTANCE `distance` - Maximum distance to consider. A numeric value. field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field. expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression.
##' @param FIELD_NAME `string` - Angle field name. String value. field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field. expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression.
##' @param APPLY_SYMBOLOGY `boolean` - Automatically apply symbology. 1 for true/yes. 0 for false/no. field:FIELD_NAME to use a data defined value taken from the FIELD_NAME field. expression:SOME EXPRESSION to use a data defined value calculated using a custom QGIS expression.
##' @param OUTPUT `sink` - Aligned layer. Path for new vector layer.
##' @param ... further parameters passed to `qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm()`
##' @param .complete_output logical specifying if complete out of `qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm()` should be used (`TRUE`) or first output (most likely the main) should read (`FALSE`). Default value is `TRUE`.
##' @param .quiet logical specifying if parameter `.quiet` for `qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm()` Default value is `TRUE`.
##' @param .messages logical specifying if messages from `qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm()` should be printed (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). Default value is `FALSE`.
##' @details
##' ## Outputs description
##' * OUTPUT - outputVector - Aligned layer
##' @export
##' @md
##' @importFrom qgisprocess qgis_run_algorithm

qgis_angletonearest <- function(INPUT = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), REFERENCE_LAYER = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), MAX_DISTANCE = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), FIELD_NAME = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), APPLY_SYMBOLOGY = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(), OUTPUT = qgisprocess:::qgis_default_value(),..., .complete_output = .complete_output_option(), .quiet = .quiet_option(), .messages = .message_option()) {


  if (.messages){
    output <- qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm("native:angletonearest", `INPUT` = INPUT, `REFERENCE_LAYER` = REFERENCE_LAYER, `MAX_DISTANCE` = MAX_DISTANCE, `FIELD_NAME` = FIELD_NAME, `APPLY_SYMBOLOGY` = APPLY_SYMBOLOGY, `OUTPUT` = OUTPUT,..., .quiet = .quiet)
  } else {
      output <- qgisprocess::qgis_run_algorithm("native:angletonearest", `INPUT` = INPUT, `REFERENCE_LAYER` = REFERENCE_LAYER, `MAX_DISTANCE` = MAX_DISTANCE, `FIELD_NAME` = FIELD_NAME, `APPLY_SYMBOLOGY` = APPLY_SYMBOLOGY, `OUTPUT` = OUTPUT,..., .quiet = .quiet)

  if (.complete_output) {
    qgisprocess::qgis_extract_output(output, "OUTPUT")
JanCaha/r_package_qgis documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 6:11 a.m.